
My Adolescent Daughter Prefers Her Unfaithful Father Over Me, Severs Communication, Then Seeks Financial Assistance After Years

The woman’s journey traversed a turbulent terrain marked by heartbreak and difficult decisions as she faced her husband’s infidelity, culminating in the agonizing decision to end their marriage. As the curtains closed, there was an unexpected fallout that cast a shadow over her relationship with her beloved daughter. The decision to cut ties with her unfaithful husband came at a high price – losing custody of her beloved child.

The aftermath of the divorce etched deep cracks in the once-beloved mother-daughter bond. Manipulated by a fictional narrative spun by her husband, father-in-law, and parents, the daughter was led to see her mother as the villain in a story full of misconceptions and half-truths. Despite her fervent attempts to maintain a connection and establish a visit, her daughter’s once loving gaze turned into one clouded with bad judgment.

An anonymous female poster on the “AITA” subreddit shared her story in January 2022. A 45-year-old woman who married a rich man was lucky to have someone to support her family. In addition to giving extravagant gifts to her parents, her husband paid off her sister’s credit card debts. He also helped her brother get in touch with a decent business, which resulted in the brother getting a generous job offer.

Her husband was adored by his in-laws and she often supported him through difficult times in their relationship, such as the initial affair. Kelly, their child, had just been born when the woman went into labor. She wanted to divorce her husband, but she was vulnerable.

However, her family convinced her to pardon the man. Kelly’s presence was justified by them and emphasized the need for a child to grow up in a stable home with both parents. The woman decided to stay and took her family’s advice to heart. She also told herself that she was the greatest wife at the time because she was expecting a child.

Kelly’s husband had a second affair with her when she was twelve. Firm in her resolve, she committed to start the divorce process. However, her in-laws were against the plan as they did not want their family to be involved in any scandal. The woman’s parents felt the same way, not wanting to be cut off from her husband’s generosity and kindness.

The woman decided to go ahead and file for divorce despite the opposition. She lost custody of her child during the trial because her husband could afford to hire the best lawyers and had the support of his in-laws. However, the woman received alimony and a good settlement.

In an effort to maintain contact with her daughter, the mother set visiting hours. But Kelly was given a bad impression by her parents and in-laws who called her a bad person. They made it clear that despite her father’s best efforts to make amends, she was being hypocritical in not accepting his apology. As a result, Kelly was determined not to see her mother when she reached puberty because she came to believe that she was horrible.

Kelly called her mother again just to get the money
Tina was a woman’s best friend and a source of comfort in difficult times. She said that Tina is her confidant and her rock and that she might not have survived without her boyfriend’s support. The woman continued to reach out to her daughter over the years.

The woman focused her energy on starting over, going into accounting, and landing a well-paying position. On the other hand, her ex-husband was unlucky.

In addition to losing his job, he became embroiled in a lawsuit filed by one of his workers. Despite his financial problems, he continued to live an extravagant lifestyle, spending all of his money—including the money Kelly needed for college—and wasting it all.

The woman intended to give her property to her goddaughter, not her daughter.

Kelly, then 21, longed to be reunited with her mother. “I won’t lie and say I wasn’t hurt by the idea that he only wanted contact for my money…”

she said. The woman agreed to pay her daughter’s graduate school tuition, but under the terms of the woman’s will, Kelly was required to sign a document waiving her claim to her mother’s estate.

The woman said she wants the lion’s share of her property and assets to go to Tina’s daughter Laura, who has become more of a daughter over the years. Laura was also her goddaughter, she was eighteen.

The woman felt that taking their advice would hurt her chances of ever getting back together with Kelly, even though she was still friendly with several of her relatives. They recommended splitting everything in half. Still, she was reluctant to cultivate a relationship with Kelly that seemed transactional or required money.

How do Redditors feel?

How do you like this narrative? Was the mother right to give her goddaughter everything she had? Would she rather leave it all to her daughter, who was just looking for a way to get herself together after running out of money for her school fees?

In this emotionally charged story shared on the “AITA” subreddit, a woman deals with the complex aftermath of a divorce from her unfaithful husband and ends up losing custody of her daughter due to her husband’s financial advantage and family support.

The woman’s decision to divorce led to estrangement from the daughter, who was influenced by her father, grandparents, and in-laws to view her mother as a villain. Despite years of trying to reconnect, her daughter’s sudden desire to reconnect only arose when she needed financial aid for her college education.

A woman struggling to handle her daughter’s financial needs while ensuring that her goddaughter Laura received a significant share of her estate came up with a plan. She offered to pay her daughter’s graduate school expenses, but on the condition that her daughter waive her claim to her mother’s estate.

This decision arose out of the woman’s deep bond with Laura and her concern about the genuineness of her daughter’s desire for reconciliation, given the transactional nature of the request for financial support. Her reluctance to fully reconnect with her daughter under these circumstances underscored her concerns about the authenticity of the relationship.

The Reddit community expressed mixed reactions to the woman’s decision and debated the ethical implications of her decision. While some supported her stance, seeing it as insurance for her goddaughter’s future, others questioned the honesty of her intentions, suggesting a potential reconciliation with her daughter instead.

The different nature of family dynamics, emotional wounds, and financial considerations fueled the difference of opinion among Redditors. The complexity of the situation raised ethical questions about the division of the woman’s property and the authenticity of her daughter’s desire to reunite amid financial hardship.

Ultimately, this story serves as a compelling example of the complexities of family relationships, where emotional breakdowns, financial factors, and true intentions collide, leaving individuals to grapple with difficult decisions that shape the future of these delicate bonds.

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