
“My Boyfriend’s Mother Persistently Called Me the Wrong Name, Resulting in a Turbulent Thanksgiving of Arguments and Tears”

One woman couldn’t figure out why her boyfriend was so upset with her and why their family Thanksgiving went so badly. To find out if she was to blame, she took to Reddit.

A 30-year-old lady was seeing a man who broke up with his high school sweetheart just a year before they started dating. Although he moved on from this relationship, his family members did not feel the same way.

The mother of the woman’s boyfriend was devastated to hear of the breakup with his childhood sweetheart. Having grown up with them, the older woman assumed that the friend’s ex-girlfriend was a member of their family.

The couple decided it was time to end their romance and split amicably as they grew apart in age. But that didn’t stop the woman’s boyfriend’s mother from taking out her frustrations on her.

How did her boyfriend’s mother treat her?

Knowing that it might take time for his family to adjust to him dating someone else, the woman entered the relationship. Things would get better, she reasoned, because his mother needed to get to know her.

But that was not the situation. During the first year of their relationship, the lady said her boyfriend’s mother would refer to her by his former name.

She revealed:

…until [my partner] told her to be kind after she got mad one time. She shrugged and called it just a habit.

Even after the woman’s boyfriend’s mother stopped calling her by her ex-girlfriend’s name, she continued to mispronounce her name. The woman would be called Jenny by her instead of Janet and so on.

The woman corrected her lover’s mother on the first few occasions. She stopped correcting the older woman when she called her the wrong name when she realized it looked like she enjoyed causing her pain.

In addition to everything the woman had to experience with her boyfriend’s mother, she was confused and angry when she found herself in a difficult situation during an important vacation.

What happens during Thanksgiving?

A woman was at her friend’s sister’s house for a cookout a few weeks before Thanksgiving. She was in the kitchen with her husband, one of her boyfriend’s two sisters, and his mother.

While they were standing there, her boyfriend’s sister told her brother how impressed his brother-in-law was with his girlfriend’s cooking. As the woman’s friend’s mother listened, she wryly suggested that she prepare the turkey for Thanksgiving. But again she was referring to the woman incorrectly – calling her Janet rather than Jenny.

Although the woman’s friend’s sisters giggled at her mother’s idea, she said:

“That’s a great idea!”

The woman was prepared to take decisive action to ensure that her boyfriend’s mother could no longer refer to her incorrectly.

At Thanksgiving a few weeks later, her boyfriend’s mother had a breaking point.

Everyone was surprised when the woman and her boyfriend showed up with the usual wine and dessert, revealing that she hadn’t brought the turkey that had been talked about for weeks before Thanksgiving.

The woman claimed that because her boyfriend’s mother had mentioned the other woman’s name weeks earlier when talking about the day, she assumed Janet was bringing the turkey. She admitted:

“There was screaming, crying, and then they kicked us out.”

The woman further stated that she had not heard from her boyfriend since that evening and that she thought their relationship might be over. But she wanted to know if netizens thought she was wrong for what she did.

She quickly found that she was far from believing that she was wrong, but many people saw her as a hero for the way she dealt with it, telling her that the abuse she received from her boyfriend’s mother, including her name, there was nothing. compared to what she did to her.

Some said that the older woman tried in vain and that her actions were the only ones significant enough to convince her boyfriend’s mother of her mistakes. Others believed that she needed to get closer to the woman.

A few comments from readers

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Another woman encountered a problem with her mother-in-law because of the food she brought, but another woman encountered a problem because she did not bring food. The woman therefore had to make a difficult choice. This is the whole story. 

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In conclusion, the woman’s Thanksgiving experience pointed to deep-seated tensions and misunderstandings in her boyfriend’s family dynamic. Her frustration stemmed not only from being repeatedly misidentified by her boyfriend’s mother but also from feeling marginalized and unaccepted in their social circle. The culmination of the events of Thanksgiving, where she mistakenly took responsibility for bringing the turkey due to a previous mention of another woman’s name, led to a dramatic confrontation and she was eventually asked to leave. This incident not only damaged her relationship with her boyfriend but also prompted her to seek validation and advice from online communities. While opinions differed, many empathized with her plight and recognized her actions as a bold assertion of her worth and refusal to tolerate mistreatment. She highlighted the complexities of navigating family expectations and the lengths to which individuals can go to push their boundaries and seek recognition within their partner’s family.

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