
“My Ex-Husband’s New Wife Reached Out to Me Unexpectedly—What She Said Left Me Stunned”

They say revenge is best cold, but when my ex-husband’s second wife contacted me, I became entangled in a web of lies and despair.

I assumed the suffering of my past was behind me, but her cry for help reopened old scars and took me in an unexpected direction.

My life suddenly fell apart five years ago. Kevin, a charming and prosperous businessman, was my husband.

A loving couple sitting on the sofa | Source: Midjourney

I thought everything was great until the day he accidentally texted me rather than his lover.

My world was devastated by that text. It said, “I hate her, Jess.” “I hate Bridget with all my being. I can’t even get her to have a baby.”

A sad woman reading a text message on her mobile phone | Source: Midjourney

He meant me. He knew about my infertility before our marriage. I read the phrases until I felt the blood drain from my face. The man I trusted was my love, the man I loved was unfaithful to me and angry at me because of circumstances beyond my control.

A closeup shot of a bride and groom kissing | Source: Midjourney

Naturally, I was unable to forgive him, so we decided to break up. By the time our divorce was finalized, Kevin had amassed quite a collection, including a business, three commercial buildings, and a stunning lake house.

I got half of everything in the settlement, including the lake house and the apartment.

Text messages on a smartphone | Source: Flickr

In addition, I became a silent partner in his business and began receiving returns twice a year.

The interior of an uptown restaurant | Source: Midjourney

He most likely believed it would lessen his guilt. I didn’t need to work anymore, but I was too passionate about my profession to give it up.

Shortly after that, he married Jessica, the person he cheated on me with. I tried to forget them and move on. That is, until a month ago. One evening I suddenly received an SMS from an unknown number.

A silhouette of a pregnant woman circling her baby bump | Source: Pexels

“Hi. This is Jess. Kevin’s recent wife. I need your help. I’m begging you. Please answer. Only you can save me.”

Heart pounding, I looked at my phone. I decided to reply because her texts seemed so desperate.

Two women meeting in a restaurant | Source: Midjourney

I replied, “What do you want?”

“Please come see me. The next day. At 2 pm at Stevens Point. And Kevin can’t know,” she said quickly.

A closeup shot of a woman driving a car | Source: Midjourney

As I sat in the silence of Stevens Point the next day, I was curious and restless. Jess entered, her face pale and exhausted. When she saw me, she rushed to me and looked around cautiously.

“I appreciate you coming Bridget,” she commented as she hurriedly sat down. “I didn’t know who else to turn to.

“What’s going on?” I asked, trying to keep my tone steady.

A woman talking on her phone | Source: Midjourney

She took a deep breath. “I’m pregnant with Kevin’s baby.

I raised an eyebrow, not completely impressed, but surprised. “AND?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “Kevin is against having a baby. He insisted I get rid of him. He says he can’t afford a baby now because the divorce cost him too much money.”

A closeup shot of a woman crying while talking on the phone | Source: Midjourney

I experienced a rush of pity and rage. This girl sat in front of me, scared and desperate, the same person who contributed to the breakdown of my marriage.

“Sorry, but what do you expect me to do about it?” Honestly confused, I asked.

A woman talking to a lawyer | Source: Midjourney

She begged in a broken voice, “Please, please.” “Maybe you could change your mind if you returned some of the money you got from the divorce settlement. There’s nothing more I can do.”

I was taken aback. The last thing I expected was this. It’s not that easy, Jess. I believe you overlooked the fact that he left me for you.

With tears streaming down her face, she looked at me. “Bridget, please. Help me.”

A white envelope lying on a wooden surface | Source: Midjourney

“I’ll consider it,” I finally said. “But I can’t promise anything.

Jess nodded in relief. “Thank you very much.

A shocked man reading a letter | Source: Midjourney

After leaving that dinner my head was swimming. As I drove home, I couldn’t get it out of my head: Kevin controlled her the way he had controlled me for years.

She didn’t see it and I couldn’t let her go through what I went through. I felt a strange urge to protect her even though she had hurt me.

An angry man screaming while holding his mobile phone | Source: Midjourney

Besides, I was determined to teach Kevin a real lesson.

I called Jess the next day.

“Hi, it’s Bridget. I want to help you with your situation.”

She shouted into the phone, her relief evident, “Oh, thank you, Bridget!”

A depressed man sitting alone in his office | Source: Midjourney

I continued, “But not the way you want.” “Kevin doesn’t love you and I know breaking your heart will hurt.

Jess, it’s about his priorities, not the money. Therefore, when they force you to choose, at least choose sensibly.”

“Bridget, I… I don’t know what to say,” Jess said, her voice trailing off into silent tears. “But you’re right. I can’t let my child think anything. Tell me what you mean.”

“Very well. While we sort things out, I believe you should stay at my lakeside cabin temporarily.”

Kevin won’t find out where you are, so it’s safe.”

She paused. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I told her. If you do this, you and the baby will be safe. Trust me when I say this.”

After a long silence, she agreed. “Okay, I’ll do it.

Two women sitting outside their lake house and chatting | Source: Midjourney

Bridget, thank you very much.”

Jess moved into the lake house a few days later. Even though it was strange to see her there, I knew it was the right decision.

When she was calm, I spoke to Mr. Fields, my attorney, and explained my strategy. “We need to write a letter to Kevin. It’s time to present the situation as serious.”

Mr. Fields smiled and nodded.

“That’s a great strategy. I’m sure he’ll be interested.”

The letter stated the following:

To Mr. Kevin Michaelson, please

Regarding Ms. Jessica Sanders, my client, and her upcoming activities, I am writing on her behalf. The purpose of this letter is to formally inform you of the following:

Mrs. Sanders is filing for divorce from you and has moved out of the marital home.

A man crying while sitting on the floor | Source: Midjourney

Any attempts to contact her directly will be considered harassment and will be swiftly prosecuted.

In addition, please be aware that we will be forced to disclose your requests to terminate Ms. Sanders’ pregnancy if you contest the divorce or attempt to threaten, coerce, or influence her. You can be sure that such behavior will negatively affect your personal and professional reputation.

We ask that you consider the seriousness of this situation and work with us to achieve a common outcome.

Sincerely, Fields & Associates, Mr. Richard Fields

Kevin received the letter a few days later. He immediately called me, understandably indignant.

“What the hell is going on, Bridget? Jess, where are you?” He yelled into the phone, “Why are you getting involved?

I took a deep breath and kept my tone even. I am fully informed, Kevin. Jess is safe too. You can no longer control her with your threats or manipulation.’

A low growl could be heard in the silence that followed. “You think you can take her from me?”

A mother holding her newborn baby girl in a hospital room | Source: Midjourney

Kevin, I’m not taking her away. He is leaving voluntarily. And you know what will happen if you try to pursue her or ask for a divorce.”

After a long moment of silence, he hung up. I knew I had startled him, but that was just the beginning. My next move was to head for his wallet where the most pain was felt.

We met Mr. Fields once more. “We need to start an audit of Kevin’s company,” I advised him. “I have suspected financial irregularities for some time and it is time we exposed them.”

Mr. Fields nodded, his eyes shining with determination. “We’ll get right to it.

The audit caused quite a stir in Kevin’s company. His assets were temporarily frozen and he was treated less than favorably by partners and investors. Kevin called me back, but this time he sounded different.

There was a panicked sound as he continued, “Bridget, this has gone too far. “You’re destroying me.”

I stifled a contented sigh as I spoke. Kevin, you brought this on yourself. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you lie and hurt people.”

A smiling woman standing in an office setting | Source: Midjourney

Meanwhile, I helped Jess file for divorce and found her a fantastic lawyer who fought for women’s rights. We launched a campaign featuring her story of control and manipulation to win over women’s rights organizations. After the media reported this, Kevin’s reputation suffered greatly.

Jess and I spent the evening sitting by the lake watching the sunset. “It’s amazing how much my life has changed in such a short time,” she remarked, her tone tinged with both regret and relief.

“Jess, you underestimate your power. I replied. “And you’re doing the right thing for you and your baby.

When news of the audit came out a few weeks later, Kevin’s company was involved in a serious financial fraud. His life began to fall apart as the news went viral. His reputation was ruined, his business in ruins, and now he faced an expensive divorce.

However, Jess was able to find her way around and our friendship grew. I was there for her every step of the way and encouraged her to keep the baby.

One day she turned to me as we sat in the living room, her eyes shining with appreciation. Without you, Bridget, I don’t know what I would do. You were my rock.”

I grinned and felt a warmth I hadn’t had in a long time. “We women must stick together,” | he said. “And sometimes karma just needs a little push.

Kevin experienced this firsthand. Everything was lost to him, including his company, position, and authority over Jess. Meanwhile, knowing that justice had been served gave me a sense of satisfaction and closure.

You know, things close in life, and what happens doesn’t always work out.

Although romanticized for artistic purposes, this work draws inspiration from real individuals and events. Names, characters, and details have been changed for privacy and story enhancement. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The publisher and author disclaim all responsibility for any misinterpretation and make no claims as to the veracity of the events or portrayal of the characters. This narrative is given “as is”, with the views of the characters being their own and not those of the publisher or author. 

In the end, my decision to help Jess and confront Kevin wasn’t just about seeking retribution; it was about regaining a sense of justice and integrity that had been eroded years ago.

Kevin’s manipulative behavior didn’t just hurt me, it continued to hurt Jess. By offering her a haven and supporting her through the turmoil, I found an unexpected way to regain control of my past.

Jess’ courage to leave Kevin and stand up for herself was inspiring. She managed to rebuild her life and secure a future for her child, proving that even in the darkest times, resilience and solidarity can make a difference. Our journey from adversaries to allies was unexpected, but it underscored the importance of empathy and support among women facing similar struggles.

As for Kevin, the consequences of his actions were severe. His financial collapse and damaged reputation were a direct result of his own decisions and fraud. The sense of justice I felt was bittersweet knowing he had to face the consequences of his actions. Still, it was a reminder that sometimes the best way to move forward is to hold accountable those who have hurt us.

Looking back, I realize that while the scars of the past never fully heal, they can lead to newfound strength and purpose. This experience taught me that justice often comes in unexpected forms and sometimes it takes a strong determination and a compassionate heart to make things right.

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