
My home is around 1960 nevertheless 99.9% unique.

An examiner said:
My home is around 1960 nevertheless 99.9% unique. The glass door handle on my little girl’s room entryway continues to fall off. I ensure I get it as far as possible back on and the screw is tight yet some way or another it will figure out how to fall off half a month after the fact. What am I fouling up?

A portion of individuals suppositions on it:

Jay Dee
“Might you at any point take a gander at the deed to find out how far back it turns out?”

Melanie Barr
“Did you intend to type ‘around 1930’? That is definitely not a 1960 door handle.”

Jill Hoadley Chalk
“Is it true that you are certain you have the right date on your home? Is it 1860?”

Matthew Taylor

CarolJean Twitchell
“Or on the other hand the set screw is some unacceptable size.”

Andrew O’Hanlon
“99.9% ???”

Thomas P. Newman
“You have a delightful entryway and handle! I propose another screw! ”

Linda Linn
“I experienced childhood in a late 1940’s home and they had these glass door handles.”

Rickey Joel Nickoli
“I have a similar issue, following.”

Vinnie Back
“A few houses actually have those door handles.”

Irene Parthum
“The stringing could be stripped, or it might simply require the screw on the handle it squeezes into fixed at the base (the opposite side of the entryway at the metal ring the glass handle squeezes into), whenever it is collected. Glass handles were more mid 1900s than 1960s, yet appreciate. On the off chance that it actually falls off, wrap a little handyman’s tape on the stringing, so it has something to hold. I had one handle in my 1926 house that was bothersome like this!”

work the screw free, particularly in the event that it’s anything but an ideal fit.
naccurate Screw Size: Now and again, the screw used to get the door handle probably won’t be the first or the right size. A screw that is too short or too thin may not hold the handle as safely depending on the situation.

Answers for Consider
Investigate and Supplant Worn Parts: Inspect the door handle and axle for any indications of wear. Assuming the strings are stripped or the shaft is worn out, think about supplanting these parts. Unique or generation parts can frequently be found at specialty tool shops or online retailers.

Use Threadlocker: Applying a threadlocker glue to the screw prior to fixing it can assist with keeping it from releasing over the long run. Threadlocker makes a bond that holds the screw set up in spite of vibrations and developments.

Guarantee Legitimate Arrangement: Cautiously adjust the door handle and axle prior to fixing the screw. This guarantees even strain and a safer fit. Carving out opportunity to get the arrangement right can have a major effect in how long the handle stays joined.

Right Screw Size: Check that the screw being utilized is the right size for the door handle. In the event that the first screw is lost, carrying the door handle to a home improvement shop can assist you with tracking down the right substitution.

Intermittent Support: Consistently check and fix the screws on the entirety of your door handles as a component of your home upkeep schedule. This proactive methodology can forestall many issues before they become huge issues.


Keeping a one of a kind home, particularly one that is 99.9% unique, is both a wonderful source of both blessing and pain and a guarantee to protecting history. The common issue of a glass door handle that won’t remain set up is entirely expected in more established homes, however with cautious examination and the right arrangements, you can determine this issue. By figuring out the likely causes and applying the suitable fixes, you can guarantee that your home remaining parts utilitarian and holds its enchanting person into the indefinite future.

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