
My Husband Made Fun of My Underwear in a Group Chat with His Friends—But He Quickly Regretted It

For months, Tom Anna and I frantically tried to save pennies.

This was all due to my husband’s obsession with an awesome new sports car he was looking at. Due to financial constraints, I had to postpone pursuing all my personal goals.

That meant I wouldn’t be buying new clothes. This meant I couldn’t even expand my range of underwear or make-up. Even small expenses were out of the question because we were fully determined to save.

When I was cleaning the living room two days ago, I saw that Tom’s phone was dead. I pulled it out and there was a notification. Normally I would respect his privacy, but I was intrigued by the popup photo preview.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the picture was actually my own underwear drawer! I opened his phone with interest. I happened to be scrolling through a group chat with his closest friends.

My husband’s note was there next to a picture of my basic underwear. I was amazed at what I saw! He was quoted as saying that he “doesn’t remember marrying a grandmother”. The caption of the post read: “Check out Anna’s granny pants!”

His friends reacted to the news with a barrage of laughing emoticons and insulting comments. My heart just dropped! he felt utterly betrayed, hurt, and ashamed. It was unbelievable to me! My partner made fun of me with his friends!

For example: “Does your mother know that Anna wears underwear?” was one of their written notes. Plus “Well, that underwear is definitely a mood killer in the bedroom.” As the comments of his companions worsened, I was unable to read them any longer.

I didn’t say anything when he got home because I wasn’t sure how to handle it without coming off as a snoop. I tried to look normal so he wouldn’t see that I was scared, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole thing.

The next morning I had lunch with Joyce, Tom’s mother. I tried to be normal with her too, but my incredibly observant mother-in-law (MIL) sensed that something was not quite right. I ended up opening up about everything, including the group chat, and how insignificant and ashamed I felt.

Rather than the surprise or dismay I expected, Joyce’s eyes shone with mischief. She leaned forward and muttered slyly:

“Darling, leave it to me. I know what to do.”

The next event will amaze you!

Think about it: That night, when Tom came home, he found me a different person! I looked stunning in a stunning red dress, with professionally applied make-up and styled hair.

His mouth dropped open as soon as he saw how gorgeous I was!

“Wow, you look amazing! Where did all this come from?” Tom asked. There was a lot of surprise and confusion in his voice.

“Your car fund,” I replied, keeping my tone firm even as I avoided eye contact. “What did you do? We saved that. Tom’s confusion soon gave way to rage.”

Joyce entered with an air of authoritative calm before he could say anything more. My MIL chimed in, “I suggested she self-medicate. “I think you need a reminder to value and respect your wife.

Joyce continued, her voice lower but still emphatic. We also found out that she is my only grandmother. So we felt it was only fitting that Anna has some gorgeous knickers to go with her gorgeous ensemble.”

“We thought it deserved something classy, ​​not to be mocked or shared in any chat,” she continued.

Tom tried to protest, visibly outnumbered and confused. He looked sorry and guilty, but there was nothing he could do to change his mother’s steadfast position.

“Son, you had to learn a hard lesson today.

Maybe next time you’ll think twice before making fun of someone who goes to great lengths for you.”

I stopped and took Tom’s phone as Joyce and I were about to go out to dinner, just the two of us. I took a picture and sent it to his group chat with the following message:

“Grandma’s going out tonight guys!”

Tom watched us leave, the shock of his newfound insight reverberating through the house in silence. As we left the house together, I felt a mixture of sincere gratitude for my MIL’s support and justification. I felt very fortunate to have a kind and understanding mother-in-law who saw and appreciated me.

I know there are many stories of mothers-in-law mistreating their daughters-in-law, but my situation is unique.

I told Joyce on our field trip, “Mom, I appreciate all your support. I’m not sure what I would do without your guidance and advice.” She said, stretching out her hands to catch me:

“Tom may be my son but you are my daughter and I will not stand by as long as I live while he abuses you.

It was more than just a lesson I wanted to teach my husband that evening. It was a pivotal period in my journey to regain my dignity and sense of worth. And all this with a surprising ally by my side!

Upon my arrival home, Tom was waiting for me with flowers and a romantic setting with chocolates and other sweet treats. “I’m so sorry for taking you for granted and not showing you the respect you deserve,” he added sincerely.

Knowing that he was not a bad man, I was ready to pardon him. I said, “What you did was VERY hurtful, Tom,” and that it was something I would never wish upon my opponent. “Love, I get it now. I’m determined to go above and beyond to win back your trust because I betrayed it.”

I promised to give him a chance and expected quick results. He sent a text and apologized profusely for making fun of his wife in their group chat. My husband also removed every post about me. He even begged his friends to stop allowing him to do such things.

His friends expressed regret and Tom and I decided to enroll in couples therapy. If he could ignore me to get what he needed, we knew there was a problem in our relationship. Our relationship is definitely unfinished, but I’m not saying it’s flawless.

Megan, the woman in the next story, learned the hard way that her fiancĂ© was a lost cause, while Anna’s husband longed for a fix. But when she learned the truth about him, she demanded a high price!

Was I right to make my fiancé feel uncomfortable at the altar by making me feel sorry for him for cheating on me with my best friend?

Hi, I’m Megan. Until recently, I planned to marry Brad and start our future together. However, life has thrown me a huge curveball. When I found out he was having an affair with Andrea, my childhood best friend, I was devastated!

It was bad enough that the betrayal had happened, but I had no idea things would get worse. Then I found out that Andrea is expecting a baby and they are getting married! They bombarded me with text messages as I tried to recover, accused me of being the reason their families didn’t come to their wedding, and traded insults for excuses.

It felt like they were pulling the knife even further when they suggested I go to their wedding as a sign that I forgave them. I accepted their invitation at a time of intense hurt and possible retaliation.

On their wedding day, which was planned to be the beautiful day Brad and I envisioned, I publicly protested! I informed them of the pain their actions had caused, including the stress of their affair leading to the death of my pregnant daughter.

It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, standing there and telling my story! However, it had to be said – not just for my own benefit, but also as a clear warning of the consequences of their actions. Now I wonder if my public outrage was justified given their betrayal and my suffering, or if it was exaggerated. what do you think 

In the end, the experience with Tom and the group chat turned out to be a major turning point for our relationship and my self-worth. The initial shock and hurt of Tom’s mocking remarks turned into an opportunity for growth and understanding thanks to my mother-in-law’s unexpected support. Her intervention not only helped restore my dignity but also reinforced the importance of respect and recognition in marriage.

Tom’s remorse and subsequent actions showed his true desire to correct his behavior and reflect on his behavior. His apology and commitment to change were steps in the right direction, and our decision to continue in couples therapy indicated a mutual commitment to addressing and improving our relationship. While our journey is far from perfect, it is a work in progress as we both learn and grow together.

Similarly, Megan’s story highlights the deep emotional impact of betrayal and the difficult decisions that follow. Her public confrontation, while painful and intense, was a testament to her pain and need for accountability. It serves as a reminder that reactions to betrayal are deeply personal and can vary greatly depending on individual experiences and values.

Both stories highlight the importance of respect, communication, and understanding in relationships. Whether it’s ridicule or betrayal, the path to healing and resolution involves acknowledging the hurt, seeking support, and working to rebuild trust. These experiences ultimately shape our relationships and personal growth and teach us valuable lessons about love, respect, and self-worth.

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