
NFL Introduces “Kneeling Ceremony” During National Anthem at Games

The National Football League (NFL) has recently made an announcement regarding a new addition to the pre-game rituals. The league is now offering a “kneeling ceremony” during the National Anthem for players, coaches, and fans who choose not to participate. This move has been met with widespread criticism and is believed to be detrimental to the NFL’s reputation. It appears that this decision may be the proverbial “nail in the coffin” for the league, as it has already faced backlash for other controversial actions.

The “kneeling ceremony” has been described as an “open expression of any person or persons as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.” This means that individuals are free to express themselves however they choose during the National Anthem, including disruptive behaviour. Some have expressed concern that this may lead to further division and disrespect towards the United States and those who have served it.

The announcement has sparked outrage from many NFL fans and supporters who believe that the league should not condone behaviour that is disrespectful to the country and those who have fought for its freedoms. Others argue that individuals have the right to express themselves, even if it is during the National Anthem.

It remains to be seen how this new ceremony will affect the NFL’s viewership and reputation. However, it is clear that the decision has been met with significant criticism and controversy. The league will need to navigate this situation carefully to avoid further alienating its fan base and damaging its brand.

18 thoughts on “NFL Introduces “Kneeling Ceremony” During National Anthem at Games”

  1. Sincerely believe this will be the end of any pregame military participation, to include Honor Guard and fly-by aircraft.

    Definitely not bringing me back to the game.

  2. Disgusting!!!! Nail your coffin!!!
    I won’t be watching any NFL games!!
    Totally Anti-American, and disrespectful to all military and TRUE PATRIOTS!!

  3. This is an outrage! I have been a New York Giants season ticket holder for 47 years. If this is continued, and not repealed by the Commissioner, I will give up my Season Tickets and never attend any football game again! I am a United States Air Force veteran, and proudly stand with my hand over my heart in honor of our flag, country and our National Anthem! This is an insult to every veteran who put his life on the line to protect those who never served. I’m talking about 99% of these football players who didn’t serve but then went on after college to earn millions of dollars, and then spit in our faces. I am sick to my stomach after reading about this. I have never heard of anyone so stupid and unpatriotic as to condone this action. I hope others agree with me, and football attendance drops to zero. I will also not support, purchase or consume any product that is advertised during any broadcast of and NFL game. Let’s see how this sham works out without the revenue being generated by advertisers!

  4. That flag is not representing black people! And alot of the veterans that fought in wars, weren’t fighting for Black People. Hell, They weren’t even fighting for usa ,But to get a check. If people are mad, DON’T WATCH! 80% OF NFL IS BLACK! BYE!!!

  5. If you want to disrespect our flag and Veterans. I will boycott all NFL games and will not be apart of a group of people who think our Veterans are not worthy to stand for. Y’all need to go and apologize to all those Veterans who died for you. Just so you can spit in their face .

  6. Richard Killingsworth

    If this is fact , the NFL has cut its own throat in viewership TV widespread. If non patriotic fans want televised disrespect for our Flag, Military and Nation , go buy your own air time saparated from patriotic sports venues or we National Patriots will separate ourselves from the NFL and the broadcasting company that’s airs such as traitors to this Republic proud of our Nation ,military,Flag ,Country and Constitution we choose to stand and show allegiance at large public and sporting events.

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