
Podcaster Makes Controversial Remarks About Whoopi Goldberg on Newsmax Segment

During a recent appearance on Newsmax, podcaster David J. Harris Jr. participated in a new segment called “Date, Debate, Deport,” hosted by Eric Bolling. The segment involved Bolling presenting Harris with names of people, and he would then decide whether he would like to date, debate, or deport them. When presented with Whoopi Goldberg’s name, Harris made a distasteful joke by saying that she needed to be deported to Africa to appreciate what she had in America. He went on to say that he would like to debate Joy Behar and date Sunny.

When asked to do the same for other political figures, Harris singled out Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Nancy Pelosi. The segment continued in a similar fashion, with Bolling singling out female politicians from Capitol Hill.

Harris’s comment about Goldberg’s deportation is not only offensive but also ignorant. It is important to remember that America is a country built on the diversity of its people and their cultures. It is essential to embrace and celebrate this diversity instead of ridiculing it. Jokes like these only perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce divisive attitudes toward different cultures and people. It is vital to engage in constructive dialogue and promote understanding and acceptance, especially in a time when unity and harmony are much needed.

During a recent segment on “Date, Debate, Deport” on Newsmax, podcaster David J. Harris Jr. made several controversial comments about prominent political figures. Harris claimed he would like to deport Maxine Waters, whom he referred to as “mad Maxine,” and debate Nancy Pelosi to hold her accountable for her actions. In addition, he made sexist remarks about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, claiming he would take her out and try to convince her to give up politics to go back to bartending.

In response to a recent incident of police brutality, Harris made insensitive comments that sparked outrage. During a discussion about the release of footage showing officers beating Tyre Nichols in Memphis, host Whoopi Goldberg questioned when police reform would finally happen. She also raised the question of whether people need to see white people being beaten by police for them to realize the gravity of the situation. Despite Goldberg’s disclaimer that she was not suggesting such an action, Harris’s comments demonstrated a lack of empathy and understanding toward the issue.

Harris’s remarks regarding Waters’ deportation and his derogatory statements about Ocasio-Cortez demonstrate a lack of respect for women’s contributions to politics. It is critical to acknowledge and appreciate the value of all individuals, regardless of their gender, race, or political leanings. Additionally, these remarks minimize the intricacies of police brutality and the requirement for meaningful reform.

It is essential to have productive and empathetic conversations that foster a deeper understanding of various perspectives. Meaningful discussions concerning critical topics, such as police brutality, necessitate a level of sensitivity and comprehension that Harris’s comments failed to convey. By participating in respectful and constructive communication, we can strive to build a more inclusive and just society where all voices are heard and respected.

1 thought on “Podcaster Makes Controversial Remarks About Whoopi Goldberg on Newsmax Segment”

  1. Y’all must’ve forgotten that Whoopi herself said she would leave the country if Trump became president. He did and proved her to be a liar. As far as police brutality goes, it would do good to show white people being beat and shot by police. Police actually shoot more unarmed white males then any other race. But ha see the media doesn’t want to push that narrative. They want to push the narrative of the poor underprivileged minority victim, and make sure they continue to feel that way.

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