
Police Officer Takes Forever To Exit His Patrol Car, Couple Quickly Realize Why

A cruiser with flashing lights pulled up behind Maxine Morgan and her husband as they were on their way to their daughter’s funeral…

A Louisiana couple was on their way to a funeral service for their late daughter when a police cruiser pulled up with its lights on. Once they stopped, they were amazed at the policeman’s actions.

Maxine Morgan was on her way to her daughter’s funeral in Shreveport when she was pulled over by a Bossier Parish police officer.

Morgan wasn’t really concentrating on driving because of the situation.

She told KSLA, “I wasn’t really paying attention to the speed of the road.”

Bossier Parish Deputy Jackie Loveless parked outside the grocery store when he noticed the pair speeding past him.

Morgan added: “I was paying attention to how I was driving. But my mind was elsewhere.”

Loveless claimed that after pulling the couple over, he followed standard procedure for a traffic stop before exiting his patrol cruiser. He exchanged pleasantries at the start of the stop before telling Maxine she was speeding.

The officer was “very nice,” according to Morgan.

Maxine then informed the police that she was going to her daughter’s funeral.

“Morgan said it was very, very hard. Giving up one of your children is the hardest thing in the world.”

Morgana was stunned by Loveless’s response. He groped her hand in her car and then proposed to her husband as well.

“Ma’am, do you mind if I pray with you?” I asked her. I remembered without love.

Morgan and her husband quickly accepted the offer.

“I am obedient to the Lord and I pray with whoever the Spirit of the Lord gives me to pray with.” Loveless commented, “What Morgan said really hit me so hard. He tried to pray beside us.

Loveless found the situation to be emotional as well.

The officer said she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly while I was in the middle of a prayer. “And tears began to flow from her, tears of admiration and greatness.

Readers commented on the story on the Facebook page.

One reader said, “Isn’t it amazing how God shows us His love?” “May God bless and protect that officer and comfort those parents.”

Another person added: “Thank you officer for being there and praying with the parents who just lost their daughter.” “I will be thinking of you all in prayer. I wish your daughter eternal peace.

Deputy Loveless transcended the law enforcement role in that moment of prayer and empathy. He became a comforting presence, a source of comfort to the grieving family. His actions, guided by compassion, touched the hearts of many and served as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, kindness and understanding can shine.

As Maxine and her husband continued on their way to say their last goodbyes to their daughter, they carried the memory of this unexpected meeting with them. It was a moment when police officers’ compassion changed their grieving hearts and became a powerful testament to the potential for connection and empathy that exists in all of us, even under the most trying circumstances.

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