Navigating the labyrinth of strange objects and mysterious mysteries that hide in our homes can be a confusing path. In the realm of the unknown, we encounter objects that defy easy categorization and leave us with a sense of curiosity and confusion. These objects, sometimes discovered during everyday activities or hidden in the depths of drawers, become gateways to a world where solving puzzles becomes a shared activity.
In the vast landscape of online communities, one particular subreddit stands out with its congregation of nearly two million members, all of whom share a common fascination with uncovering the mysteries behind these puzzling artifacts. Known for its collaborative spirit, the Now I’ve Seen Everything community serves as a digital arena where users come together to decode the mystery encapsulated in various objects.
“It was an unbearably hot and muggy day and no one wanted to be outside at an outdoor wedding,” wrote Redditor u/nadia61. We decided to take the rest of the pictures in a nice shady spot because we were all sweating profusely and on the verge of passing out while taking pictures of the wedding reception. Meanwhile, the bride had other demands.
In order to take pictures in front of the pond, which was fully lit, the group had to walk across the property and she lost her cool. We stated that it would be a terrible place for pictures and that none of her bridesmaids wanted to walk in shoes for 10 minutes. They broke up a year later after she went through the rest.
“I had a friend who went on a screaming and stomping rampage because her grandmother dared to die a few hours before her wedding,” Redditor kidtendomom wrote in a comment. The bride-to-be claimed that due to the large empty space, would affect the seating arrangement. She’s in the middle of her second divorce right now.’
“Two weeks before my girlfriend’s mother was supposed to tie the knot, her future brother-in-law disappeared,” said Redditor u/Blazingwand. He was supposed to be the best man, but after he left to deliver, he disappeared. His whereabouts were unknown.
The groom-to-be received a call on the morning of the wedding day that his brother had been found by the police. His van was nowhere to be seen and he was found dead in a ditch.
The soon-to-be husband was horrified to inform the bride that he would not be able to tie the knot that day.
She slapped him and left, yelling that today was about more than just him and his stupid brother and that she couldn’t believe HE could be so selfish. My partner was equally upset. My future groom and I broke up that day and we remain close friends to this day.”
“I went to a wedding where the bride replaced her bridesmaid at the last minute due to a small problem,” Redditor u/boredlike wrote in sharing his story. The bride’s requirements were extremely specific.
The night before the wedding, the bridesmaid she replaced dyed her hair a shade lighter brown. It didn’t seem to go with the bright pink dress.”
“My girlfriend, the bride, had this massive explosion of organza as her skirt,” Redditor u/isstronglikebull explained. Although it was beautifully designed, it was completely unusable. She drank on an empty stomach and on our second trip to the bathroom ordered me to wipe her down while the rest of us held this dress and she hung drunkenly over the toilet she couldn’t see.
I said no. Then she slapped me. They all dropped their skirts as I shouted obscenities at her. If I didn’t do this for her, she screamed that our friendship would die!
Done! A few years later, when I expressed no desire to rekindle our connection, she tried to apologize but seemed taken aback.”
According to Redditor u/Carsons_mom: “I’m a hairstylist and I’ve seen my share of brides. This one had a direct impact on me. A woman is asking about updos for a wedding coming up that midweek weekend. She informed my supervisor that she wanted her hair done” funky”. Then the boss let me book her. He sits in my chair on Saturday morning. I’m starting. She starts grumbling that I’m almost done with the fact that she would prefer a more traditional Audrey Hepburn look.
My next client came in and I’m confused because it’s too late to make any changes. This woman is crazy. She contacts her mother to try to get me to listen to her and says I haven’t been paying attention. She wonders how to explain her hair to her future in-laws and is on the verge of tears.
When her mother shows up, he tells her her hair looks amazing, gives me money, and pulls her out of the salon. Everyone found the incident disturbing.”
“My friend’s brother got married and the groom’s phone went off in his pocket in the middle of the ceremony,” said Redditor u/EewStopitNow. The minister was about to finish when the bride got scared and reached into the groom’s pocket for his already silent phone. “I can’t believe you let your phone go off in the middle of our wedding,” she began to complain afterward.
“Remind me to break it later,” she muttered, handing it to the party. She reportedly rolled her eyes at the pastor’s discussion of God, struck up a conversation with the groom during a portion on marriage preservation, and stopped the preacher during the vows to remark, “Father, son, holy spirit, yes, I know.”
AlannaBraavos/OP u said: “The bride was really cruel. When she told him she was expecting, the groom proposed. She then claimed she had a miscarriage. His friends at the time pressured him to call it off. During the wedding breakfast, the best man tried several times to convince him that there was still time. Since the groomsmen did not want to sit with her, the wedding table was soon set with the men on one side and the ladies on the other. The bride burst into the lady’s room during the reception, where she discovered the bridesmaids when she realized she was the only woman sitting at the table. At thirteen, the youngest bridesmaid formally became a lady.
She stood outside in the lady’s room unprepared until a familiar face appeared. The two more mature bridesmaids looked for an answer. Bridezilla was not happy and screamed, accusing the junior bridesmaid of intentionally ruining her wedding. She insisted that the other two bridesmaids show up and pay her a quick visit. Everyone at the reception heard her scream so loudly that it was obvious what had happened. It seems that the visitor rushed to help with the supplies. Eventually, two older bridesmaids emerge and sit at the wedding table as Bridezilla won’t stop talking until they do. The grooms actually believed they had TMI.”
“I was working at a popular vacation spot on the East Coast when a bride wanted her ceremony on the beach at sunset, with the sun setting over the water,” Redditor u/Himsjustaboy wrote while sharing his story.
When she realized that the sun would set over land instead of over water, she lost her cool.
She was on the east coast and had no idea the sun sets in the west.”
“I was a last-minute stand-in for a wedding… because the woman I was standing in for was sent to prison for beating her child,” wrote a Redditor from the now-deleted account. The original bridesmaid was two feet shorter and two hundred pounds heavier than me, which was a problem. That day I went on an incredible race to find a dress.”
“I once flew to a foreign country for this woman’s wedding because I was a bridesmaid,” explained Redditor u/rammaam. I saw her pushing her daughter, starving and ignoring her pets, arguing with her fiance often, trying to control what she did late, and accusing me of stealing from her because I took a Pepsi from the fridge after I was told to she felt at home. , and we freaked out the night before when we were getting ready because everything was wrong. All these things happened while I was there.
About a month after the day was over and I got on the plane home, I got an email that said, “You really pissed everyone off! You were indifferent and rude to them. My husband doesn’t call you out. He just criticizes your behavior.” I blocked her and wished her a happy life. The next thing I knew, my friends and family were being intimidated and harassed, fake profiles were being created with my name and photo, and my address and phone information were being added to Facebook along with some inappropriate messages.”
From a deleted Redditor: “My father has four sisters and is one of eight children.
My grandfather, who worked hard all his life, was able to live off his pension for twenty years after retirement. He covered all his girls’ weddings. When my grandfather refused to pay for my aunt’s 300-person island wedding in the Bahamas, she lost her temper. My aunt was getting married for the third time.
He offered to pay for her honeymoon in the Bahamas and was cool with paying for a small wedding in their hometown. He had already paid for her two honeymoons.
In response, she called him a miser and expressed her gratitude that my grandmother died early so she wouldn’t have to witness her husband become stingy.
Finally, with the support of the family, my grandfather ordered her to cover the expenses of her wedding.
After this incident almost five years ago, my aunt was only in contact with my other aunt. She seemed to have divorced her third husband and “retired” to a Florida condo at age 45. He lives off the money from the divorce settlement.’
“I work in an industry with a busy season so you can’t get time off towards the end, except in life or death situations,” wrote a Redditor from their deleted account.
I told my wife’s sister that I was glad the wedding was taking place right after the busy season because I couldn’t go if it was three days earlier because the trip would be 900 miles. My wife’s sister informed us three months in advance that is going to get married. The next day she contacted us to let us know that the wedding had been postponed two weeks earlier.
I apologized profusely and told her I couldn’t participate because it would ruin my career. She tried to convince me to go and ignored what I said. Every other day I got calls from SIL or MIL yelling and screaming at me that I would be ruining the wedding by not attending, even though they knew I wouldn’t go under the circumstances even before they rescheduled. wedding date My husband attended the wedding. I ate pizza. It was pretty tasty.”
One Redditor, u/Trei_Gamer, wrote: “My mother went into overdrive two hours before my wedding and insisted that my wife’s family rearrange the table in the reception hall that she set up for the rehearsal the night before and I didn’t. I want her to be a part of it.”
“Are you going to make it all about you? I’m getting married in two hours,” was a statement I couldn’t believe I had to make. Families show their ugliest traits during weddings and funerals. It’s kind of depressing.
“I used to work for a setting company and we did weddings,” said Redditor u/DrewTip. There was a time in July when it was 95 degrees outside and we were all in pain. For this big wedding, there was a big dance floor, stage, tent, tables, seats, cutlery, lights and other equipment. The bride seemed pleasant and composed when we arrived at her parents’ house at seven in the morning. She promised to reward us all for our hard work by buying us lunch around noon. Plus she promised to bring us water because it was so hot outside and when we were done we could just tap the keg. Fantastic, huh? Falsely. We finished setting up the stage and dance floor, set up the tent, and finished the lights by noon. We needed to move the tent three feet, she said as she hurried out the door.
I thought, “Are you kidding me?” first. Was not. We discussed it with her and finally decided to move the tent because the customer is always right in the end. although they express a wish that the tent should be placed here. After we showed it, she had other thoughts. We take it down, move the tent three feet, then fold it back up. It’s about 8 pm. Now. No lunch, no dinner, no water. By 22:00 When they arrive, we have finished cleaning the tables. He says, “You are making too much noise!!!” she rushes out. Calm down.” A work colleague said, “Is it possible for us to have some water now? We used up every last drop of water we were carrying.” He says, “Well… Take a few, but not too much, from the hose that’s around the back. The price of water is high.”
“I didn’t actually know her, but I attended a family friend’s daughter’s wedding,” the Redditor wrote. It was a night reception with the ceremony just before, probably from 6 pm. until 11 or 12. When we entered the reception, we were expecting a buffet, but there was none. We later learned that the 120 guests only got a cheese spread, a fruit dish, and a vegetable dip instead of a real meal. After an hour some got hungry and started to leave.
Furious that everyone was ruining her wedding, the bride screamed as she rushed across the room in her dress and closed the door. “Bride’s Day, Bride’s Journey!” she exclaimed. Her father had to remove her from the door due to the heated situation.
Meanwhile, everyone who didn’t know her left. I learned from rumors that she vomited and spent the whole night inconsolable.”
“My sister was a maid of honor at my 38-year-old aunt’s wedding,” Redditor u/omneeatlas commented. Aunt yelled at my sister that she didn’t have time during church practice. It was horrible for my 7-year-old sister to be stared at by a highly stressed bridezilla because she didn’t step in the right place at the right time.
She started crying and my mother told me that my aunt remarked, “Oh, and now she’s crying.” Could you please tell me your age again?
My mother was angry with her. Because my aunt is stubborn, my mother ordered her to find a new maid of honor for a few weeks. Until her grandmother begged her to change her mind because of the wedding, the aunt refused to budge. My sister still doesn’t like my aunt. My aunt is still pretty weird.
She now presides over her young daughter as queen. She’ll become the Hulk if something bad happens to her.”
Redditor u/syriquez posted a story saying, “This incident was recounted by a former co-worker; it’s not based on my personal experience. He took two whole weeks off to attend a wedding in Hawaii with his wife (they arrived two days before the Saturday wedding). They figured the trip would be worth it and they would have a vacation if they traveled to Hawaii for this wedding.
They seemed to be the only couple to make that decision. When the bride came to know this, she lost her composure. She exclaimed, “It’s my wedding! WHY IS IT JUST A TOOL FOR YOUR CURRENT VACATION? It seems his husband mocked her and advised her to call her if she decided to. To her credit, the bride called her again later and expressed sincere regret for my outburst.
Nerves, I suppose.”
Redditor u/kittenhiccups wrote about her experience as a bridesmaid at a winter-themed wedding. We dressed in MUFFLES and blue silk dresses with white faux fur capelets. At one point, as we were getting ready for the wedding, the bride called out, “Kittens, let me see your shawl.” I laughed and fluttered my eyelashes and said, “I’ve been waiting for those words from you for so long!”
A moose would die from the look she gave me. She started to criticize me quite a bit, saying that maybe I should go hang out with the bachelors if I was making crude jokes and that I wasn’t taking things seriously enough. Yes. Maybe I should.”
“My brother’s first wife wouldn’t allow anyone in our family she didn’t know to marry,” revealed Redditor u/Gipperfish.
Due to the size of our family, she would only be able to invite one cousin she met – her parents, siblings, and other out-of-town relatives would not be invited. She declined our invitation to host an engagement party, which would have allowed her to meet some of our out-of-town guests.
She stated that she did not want to invite relatives she did not know well and had only met once. In the end, we decided to go with only our direct relatives. We figured it would be less offensive and embarrassing than splitting up the family.
As a result, there were six guests at my brother’s wedding and about sixty-five on the bride’s side.”
“My girlfriend and I went back to our hotel the night of my brother’s wedding,” said Redditor u/hotmoves. There was an after-party down the hall after another wedding where guests drank and partied in their room in tuxedos and bridesmaid dresses. The bride ran out, yelling into her cell phone, and ordered someone to get back there immediately as we drove by.
“Who leaves their bride on their wedding night?!” she shouted as she hung up the phone and stormed into the common room. It appears that the groom and his guests were at the pub across the street. Whether she qualifies as a bridezilla is debatable because she made an interesting argument.
Who will leave the bride on the wedding night?”
“I was dating my cousin’s best friend before my cousin and his now wife got married,” said Redditor u/livmaj. My ex-boyfriend served as the best man and I was the maid of honor. I broke up with my boyfriend before the wedding. I was notified by email from the soon-to-be bride that I was no longer a bridesmaid.
That’s not a problem, I said. I expected it, but since I was 3,000 kilometers away at the time, I gently mentioned that I doubted I could make the trip. My cousin was furious. She broke off our relationship and informed me that my family was not allowed to attend the wedding. Because of her, my family and my cousin’s family still don’t speak.’
At their best friend’s wedding, Redditor Hadacow commented something like, “My best friend, who is usually very nice and quiet, was rude when she was getting married.” She started by telling me what I would be serving at her wedding reception, which I would host at my place for the date she chose without asking. The day she chose coincided with my exams and I was in the middle of my Honors BA in another city, fifteen hours away. To save money, she was also going to make a lot of things for her wedding, including aisles, centerpieces, an arch, a veil, etc.
The night before the wedding, she said to me, “I need you to make something because I didn’t have time to make it.” While she slept I spent the whole night sewing and arranging flowers. When we got to the lobby in the middle of winter, the floor was unclean. Only a bucket and a rag were available for cleaning. After a night’s work, I was forced to clean the floor on my hands and knees. I was exhausted, hurt, and hated every second of her wedding. I didn’t talk to her for months after that.”
Redditor u/SeabgfKirby told her friend’s story as follows: “My 8-year-old friend asked me to be a bridesmaid when she got married. I accepted, not realizing she was going to be a haughty, cocky bride. She just wanted to be the one with blonde hair, so she made us all wear these horrible clothes that we had to pay for and made us dye our hair. I didn’t want to dye my natural blonde hair for a day. Then she replaced me with another girl furious.
She then had the audacity to demand payment for the food from everyone who wasn’t at her wedding party and charged $80 from each attendee (my friend and I paid $160). She had a buffet with grilled food. She also wanted a gift that cost more than $50.
This was all sent by Facebook. I replied that I would cover the cost of the meal or the gift. I just noticed that her wedding was on the day my partner competed in the Tough Mudder race after I received the paper invitation. I preferred that to her wedding.”
From their deactivated account, the Redditor posted, “My sister is getting married soon, but she didn’t invite me.” Not that I know he’s seeing anyone. I asked her about it a few days before the wedding.
Me: “Mary, did you forget my invitation?” She replied, “I can’t explain it now, but trust me.” Then, on the day of her wedding, I got a message from a friend we shared: “GO TO THE WEDDING ASAP. THIS IS A MUST SEE. I was speeding and what I saw really shocked me.
Me: “Why does my boyfriend have a wedding suit?”
Sister: “We wanted to let you know that I’ve been seeing your ‘boyfriend’ for years. I figured if I didn’t invite you, I’d save you the trouble, but we had no idea how to break the news.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of betrayal hit me. In addition to my boyfriend, I also lost my closest friend. The fact that they chose to hide their relationship rather than face it head-on was a devastating realization.”
When thinking about these wedding anecdotes, one cannot overlook the diverse range of challenges that individuals face during what is traditionally meant to be a joyous celebration. The stories include moments of humor, absurdity, and sadness, and emphasize the unpredictability that often accompanies such significant life events.
While some incidents may seem light-hearted and comical, there is a deeper layer that reveals the complexities of relationships, family dynamics, and personal expectations. These stories highlight how the pressure and emotions surrounding weddings can heighten existing tensions and lead to unexpected outcomes.
Additionally, these stories serve as a cautionary reminder of the importance of communication, empathy, and understanding when navigating the complex web of wedding preparations. The desire for perfection combined with individual preferences and family dynamics can sometimes result in situations that are far from ideal.
Essentially, these wedding stories highlight the human aspect of these grand celebrations—moments of vulnerability, misunderstanding, and the occasional heartbreaking betrayal. They invite us to think not only about humor and absurdity but also about the need for compassion and resilience during significant life events.