
Relationship Expert Says ‘Low-Earning Men Should Avoid Dating’

The state of the economy is currently disastrous. Many people found it difficult to support their families, let alone themselves.

The desire to discover love and a committed relationship is still as strong as ever, even if dating seems almost impossible in this situation.

Does low pay mean you shouldn’t date? At least one alleged relationship guru seems to believe so.

She even went so far as to say so publicly, much to the outrage of the internet.

No courtship for low-income people

Most women would likely agree that they should never be underestimated. They should not be forced to accept anything less than what they desire for the same reason. Some people have a modest taste in life and do not need flamboyance to express their affection. However, some people adore the glamorous lifestyle and want to be treated as such. There is no right or wrong. But none of them should accept anything that does not meet their standards. But now a woman named Karla Elia says low-income guys “shouldn’t be dating in the first place”

According to the 23-year-old, women should be treated like royalty. They should limit their dating to men who can support their lifestyle. Karla now makes a living by giving relationship advice to people. She advises women to seek available men who will support them in leading the lives they choose. He also insists that a woman’s time is “more valuable.” The implication is that they should be considered inferior to men rather than equal. A woman’s fertility ends when she settles down and gets married. At any age, a guy can start over in a new relationship. We don’t have that luxury as women. It follows that since a woman has something to lose, her time is more important. “We shouldn’t be treated like men, we should be treated like women and we were special, we should be treated like precious.”

Ladies are assets

She felt that men who date women should cover the cost of each date. This means paying for transportation to and from and for food. Moreover, they are not good enough if they do not regularly show their lover flowers and gifts. Karla sees women as more than just romantic partners – they are investments. “A man has to understand that he has to be in a financial place to invest in a woman,” she said. “We’re an investment. / I know I can afford my lifestyle, and if someone can’t afford it and add value to it, I’d say ‘thanks, next time’.”

Karla no longer goes because she got married on May 25 of last year.

Even though her husband is leaving a leadership position in the US Navy, he continues to support her extravagant decisions. It is assumed that owns investments in the stock market.

Adopt an abundance mindset and start dating

Karla’s teachings say that a woman needs to have an “abundance mindset” to find her dream partner. In the end, it all boils down to understanding your worth and merit. Second, they must realize that their opportunity to conceive and become fertile will not be endless. “To find these men, you have to step into the energy of I am worthy, I am healing, and I am not making decisions from a place of insecurity,” she stated.

Finally, a woman needs to date men who respect the fact that women have their own goals. They should not follow in the footsteps of the conventional man who just wants to procreate and stay home with the kids. They should have similar aspirations to their male counterparts, including how to build a solid career and start a family. “They both have a common goal of creating a family, being stable, and growing with each other,” she said.

Karla Elia’s stance on relationships and income has sparked considerable debate, especially in an economic climate where many are struggling to make ends meet. Her beliefs that low-income men should refrain from dating and that women should be seen as investments rather than equals were met with mixed reactions. While her perspective emphasizes the importance of financial stability in relationships, it also raises questions about the equality and value of individuals beyond monetary considerations.

Elia’s approach advocates an abundance mindset where women are encouraged to recognize their worth and seek partners who match their lifestyles and aspirations. Her views underscore a broader conversation about the dynamics of dating in a challenging economic environment and the expectations placed on both partners. Ultimately, her advice underscores the importance of self-worth and mutual respect in relationships but also encourages an examination of how economic factors should influence personal ties and societal expectations.

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