
Research Shows This Facial Trait May Indicate a Narcissist

Something seems to be gone about them, but you just can’t put your finger on it.

They are self -confident, charming and seem to attract admiration effortlessly. Yet, under this carefully curatorial person, something is not added up. Is it the way the conversation always controls back to each other?

The way he so easily refuses to feel the feelings of others? Or could the answer be hidden in the eyes – directly above their eyes? As it sounds strange, research suggests that a person’s eyebrows can reveal more about their personality than you think, including whether they have narcissistic tendencies.

Recognition of narcissist over the eyebrows

The recognition of a narcissist can be quite complicated, especially because they often meet as charming and popular. The faster you can see them and keep them distance, the better it will be for your peace. But how exactly can you soon identify a narcissist? Surprisingly, recent research suggests that you could do this by looking at their eyebrows.

Eyebrows as indicators of narcissism

It sounds a bit unusual, but studies suggest that eyebrows can reveal narcissistic tendencies. A study from the University of Toronto found that people with “distinctive eyebrows” more often show features of narcissistic personality disorders. Scientists photographed 40 university students with neutral expressions and assessed their narcissistic features using a narcissistic personality inventory. These photographs were then proven to other students who were asked to assess the perceived narcissism of each individual.

The finding was quite revealing: stronger and denser eyebrows were strong indicators of narcissism. In a fascinating reversal, when scientists exchanged eyebrows of narcissistic individuals to narcissists, students ended in incorrect identification of narcissists as narcissists and vice versa.

What does eyebrows make a guide?

The connection between the eyebrows and the narcissism is not yet clear. One of the popular theory is that narcissists who often focus intensively on their appearance can take special care of careful eyebrow care. Given that the eyebrows play an important role in how we perceive the attraction and recognition of the face, narcissists can pay special attention to strengthening their temptation.

Another sign of the face of narcissism

Other studies have shown that narcissists also show specific facial reactions when they face failure or criticism. They could depict a gentle, almost involuntary muscle twitching in their eyes and forehead. If you criticize or point them to a smaller mistake, such as a mistake in the story or the wrong order of coffee, you may notice these small moves of similar jerks. These reactions are often fine, so you have to pay close attention to their finding.

So what is a narcissist?

A narcissist is someone too focused on his own needs and desires, often ignoring others. These individuals are usually manipulative, deceptive and exploited. They tend to be selfish and lack empathy, often use others to meet their own goals. Although they can be very charming and charismatic, they usually remain in absorbing and indifferent to the feelings of others.

Narcissist vs. narcissistic features

It is essential to distinguish between someone who has narcissistic features and with someone who is a full -fledged narcissist. Narcissistic features include self -defense and difficulties in relation to others, but do not necessarily indicate a mental disorder. Narcissist personality disorder (NPD) is more serious and includes an inflated sense of self -confidence, the need for constant admiration and lack of empathy. According to the Mayo clinic, NPD symptoms include:

  1. A spectacular sense of self -confidence and the need for excessive admiration.
  2. They believe they deserve special treatment and privileges.
  3. It is expected to be recognized as a supervisor without success.
  4. Excessive achievements and talents.
  5. Be biased by the fantasy of success, strength, beauty or perfect partner.
  6. Believe that they are better and can only connect with similarly special people.
  7. Looking down at others perceive as inferior.
  8. Expectations of special kindness and compliance.
  9. Using others to achieve their own goals.
  10. The inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
  11. Envy others and trust others with envy.
  12. View arrogance and concept.

What to do if you suspect that someone is a narcissist

If you think someone who is close to you has a narcissistic personality disorder, it is necessary to encourage them to look for professional help, even if it can be incredibly demanding. Narcissists usually respond badly to criticism, so it could be best to distance themselves. If you recognize narcissistic features, consider talking to a health care provider. A licensed therapist can help you manage or overcome these properties.


Recognizing narcissistic features soon can help you navigate relationships and protect your emotional well -being. While the identification of narcissists may be difficult, research suggests that facial features – especially eyebrows – can offer fine tracks. However, it is important to realize that physical properties themselves are not definitive evidence of narcissism.

Understanding the difference between narcissistic features and narcissistic personality disorder is also essential, because not anyone who shows behavior focused on itself has a clinical disorder. If you suspect that someone in your life is a narcissist, it is necessary to determine the boundaries and prefer mental health. In cases where narcissistic features become harmful, the search for professional leadership – either for themselves or the individual concerned.

Finally, while science continues to explore new ways to identify narcissistic tendencies, self -confidence and emotional intelligence remain the most powerful tools in managing relationships with narcissists.

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