Stepping into the world of nostalgia, TikTokers are taking a trip back in time with home videos from the 80s and 90s. Rather than just experiencing warm and fuzzy feelings, these videos reveal shocking insights into the parenting practices of the time. In the pre-digital age, parents relied on a completely different set of guidance and information, and these glimpses into the past serve as a stark reminder of how much the world of parenting has changed and how our understanding of infant care has evolved…
“Sugar water for newborns” as it appeared in 1986.
The purpose of Rachel’s TikToker account, @nostalgicallyrachel, is to convey her upbringing “one home video at a time.”
But once people noticed what the newborn’s mother was feeding her just hours after giving birth, a particular home video went viral, garnering over 1.7 million views.
The video shows Trainor’s mother quoting a parenting guide that advises parents to feed their children with a spoon and not a bottle. She used the quote, “Harder things are eaten with a spoon.”
According to the title of Trainor’s video, “Parenting Before the Internet… Turned Out Well.”
According to a 2013 New York Times article, it appears that parents have known for some time—perhaps even before the Internet—that children should not be fed solid foods.
“For at least 20 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended against feeding infants solid foods until at least 4 months of age,” the study states.
Nearly 5,200 people responded to Trainor’s TikTok video in the comments section.
“And then they still have the COURAGE to question our decisions and give us parenting advice,” wrote @elidae2 in a comment that has received over 16,000 likes.
You really did it, didn’t you? Did I really think that?” asked @niccmaccattack.
We all seem to have gastrointestinal issues, mused @mrsjuliemae.
“There’s a photo of me in a stroller with a DIET PEPSI from 1994 at the age of one,” tweeted @sarahmarylr.
“Nursery Tour circa 1986”
Another homemade video by Rachel (@nostalgicallyrachel) wowed viewers with over 21,000 views. It included a tour of her room, including her crib.
Baby Rachel was surrounded by soft, loose objects such as crib padding, pillows, and stuffed animals while resting comfortably on her back, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for all infants.
Use a firm, flat mattress covered with a sheet in a crib, stroller, or portable playpen. The AAP recommends keeping soft materials out of the sleeping area, including loose blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, bumpers, and other soft items.
In this way, parents can help prevent Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), the leading cause of injury-related deaths in newborns, as well as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
@kateblake1212 wrote: “It’s a miracle any of us survived the 1980s.
Other viewers, on the other hand, defended baby boomers and their parenting choices.
“My mother insisted her babies sleep on their stomachs from the very beginning. We had absolutely no problems,” tweeted @havefaith_91.
However, this “we all turned out fine” attitude is actually an example of survivorship bias, a logical fallacy in which only those who survived a particular situation are included and those who did not — and the reasons for their failure to survive — are not considered in regard.
According to the CDC, between 1980 and 1988, SIDS claimed the lives of 47,932 babies born in America.
Thanks to the internet, we have access to a wealth of knowledge in the modern world. Parents have access to expert advice, academic research, and recommended parenting techniques. This made the safety and well-being of babies a top priority and the risk of SUID and SIDS was greatly reduced.
It is important to be informed about the latest facts and recommendations. Understanding the factors that contribute to the development of parenting can help parents make decisions that are best for the health and safety of their children.
In today’s world, thanks to the Internet, we have a lot of information at our fingertips. Parents have access to expert advice, scientific studies, and parenting best practices. As a result, the safety and well-being of children became paramount and the risk of SUID and SIDS was greatly reduced.
In conclusion, while these TikTok videos may evoke nostalgia and laughter, they also shed light on the constant evolution of parenting practices. The differences between the past and the present underscore the importance of staying informed and adapting to the latest guidelines to ensure the well-being of the latest generation of parents and their children. The Internet provides parents with an incredible resource for accessing information and advice, making it easier than ever to navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood.