
Rod Stewart needs prayers

Sir Rod Stewart’s career spanned several decades and he was a pioneer in rock and pop music.

Iconic British rock and pop artist Sir Rod Stewart. He is one of the best-selling musicians of all time, with over 250 million records sold worldwide.

Billboard magazine named him the 17th most successful artist overall in 2008 on the “Billboard Hot 100 All-Time Top Artists”. In addition to being inducted into the British Music Hall of Fame in 2006 and the American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the second time in 2012 Hall of Fame as a member of the Faces, Stewart was also inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a solo act. artist in 1994.

The Grammy and Brit Award winner previously revealed that his three-year battle with prostate cancer was successfully cured in 2019. At a charity event in Surrey, England for the Prostate Project and the European Tour Foundation, Stewart announced his diagnosis to the public.

The father-of-eight said: “No one knows, but I thought it was about time I told everyone.” “Simply because I found out early, I’m safe now. I have a lot of tests.

Then, in an effort to spread awareness, he urged men to be screened frequently to ensure early detection. You guys really need to see a doctor. The performer, whose hits include “Maggie May” and “I Don’t Want To Talk About It,” added: “Put your ass up, no shame.”

According to Prostate Cancer UK, prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men and is predicted to overtake all other cancers in terms of overall prevalence by 2030.

Sir Rod Stewart has previously been diagnosed with cancer. After groping there, he discovered a malignant growth in his throat in 2010.

He subsequently stated in his autobiography, “I felt scared, vulnerable to a degree I had never felt before,” but the malignant tumor was immediately removed. Chemotherapy was not needed, so he was not in danger of losing his hair, he wrote. And let’s face it, losing my hair would be second only to losing my voice in terms of danger to the continuation of my career.

Fortunately, his health is now excellent.

Sir Rod Stewart’s career has been a remarkable journey of success, failure and resilience. His talent, creativity and philanthropy have made him a beloved icon in the music industry. And his courage and advocacy for cancer awareness made him a hero to many. We wish him good health and success in all his endeavours.

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1 thought on “Rod Stewart needs prayers”

  1. Lesley Westlake

    Wish rod stewart all the best , having had bowel cancer thankfully found early left hemocholectomy needed but no radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment needed I’m blessed

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