
Simple Methods to Deter Snakes from Entering Your Yard

I don’t like snakes. They are shy, sweet, and like to be themselves.

But when a snake is slithering right at your feet while you’re gardening or lounging on the back patio, it’s not necessarily that pleasant. Don’t worry if you’re not a big fan of snakes. There are many ways to deter snakes from entering your yard without resorting to harsh chemicals or cruel techniques. This is them!

1. Cut off their food source

Several things attract black snakes. In addition to mice and rats, they eat the fruit and seeds of abandoned birds. Make sure your compost bin is tightly closed if you have one. If you have bird feeders in your garden, try to place them as far away from your house as possible and around the edge of the area.

2. Grow lemongrass

Lemongrass is an incredibly easy technique to keep snakes out of your garden. Fortunately, mosquitoes also hate the smell of citrus, as do snakes!

3. Citrus-based repair

Leaving citrus aside, you can pour some water with the peel and pieces of lemon or orange. Allow the fruit to soak in water for a whole day. To prevent snakes from getting too close, spray the solution around steps on your deck or porch and on patio furniture.

4. Keep your yard maintained

They are ideal shelters if your yard is overgrown with weeds and has piles of twigs or other debris lying around. The likelihood of snakes making your yard their home will be reduced if you keep it clean and well-maintained.

5. Keep your house safe

Snakes are something you do not want in your home or garden. Make sure you seal any cracks in the foundation as well as the areas around your windows and doors.

Also, make sure that none of the window screens, etc. have any holes in them.

6. Make your snake repellent

Snake repellents that are loaded with chemicals can harm your family, pets, and plants. Cinnamon and clove oil can be mixed in equal parts to make a homemade natural snake repellent. Apply the mixture to the outside of your house, your deck, and any other area where you think snakes might be hiding.

7. Candles

In addition to insects, mothballs are an effective deterrent against snakes.

To prevent mothballs, scatter them around the back porch and foundation of your house. However, you should not have mothballs near children or pets as they can be very harmful to them.

8. Move them

You can also purchase humane snake traps and place them around your yard if you have exhausted all other options. Just release a snake you catch in a wooded area far from your house!

In conclusion, while snakes can be beneficial and generally shy creatures, an unexpected encounter with one in your yard can be unsettling. Fortunately, there are many humane and effective methods of deterring snakes without resorting to harsh chemicals or methods that harm these reptiles or the environment. By eliminating food sources such as rodents and keeping your yard tidy, you can make your property less attractive to snakes. Natural repellants such as lemongrass and citrus solutions offer additional barriers while ensuring your home is sealed and free of entry points, preventing them from gaining access to your living spaces. For these persistent visitors, humane traps provide a safe way to relocate snakes back into their natural habitat, ensuring a peaceful coexistence between humans and wildlife. With these methods, you can enjoy the outdoors without fear of unexpected encounters with snakes.

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