
Spouse Prioritizes Mother Over Pregnant Wife and Chooses Mother’s Help Instead of Assisting Her

In the intricate tapestry of relationships, devotion to family often shapes the contours of life’s most important moments. The story of a pregnant woman, intertwined in the delicate balance of marriage and maternal expectations, unravels amid the complex dynamics of loyalty and love.

As her heart filled with the anticipation of welcoming a new life into the world, this mother-to-be longed for her husband’s unwavering support and presence. What unfolded, however, was a chilling revelation—one that reverberated far beyond the ordinary realms of marital discord.

In the stormy landscape of their relationship, the pregnant wife found herself on unknown ground. Her husband, embroiled in a deep bond with his mother, seemed to prioritize her over his wife’s immediate responsibilities and emotional needs during her pregnancy.

It was a journey that began with a simple request for support, a desire for joint preparations and emotional solidarity in anticipation of the arrival of their child. But what emerged was a testament to the depth of family ties, where a wife’s plea for her husband’s presence was met with a chilling statement: “You know my mom is coming before you.”

The woman said: “My husband is a total mum”, revealing that he had an extremely close relationship with his mother. He spends more time with his mother than with me; he’ll talk to her on the phone for hours.” But the incident that eventually prompted her to post on Reddit was the last straw for her.


When the woman entered her sixth month of pregnancy, she asked her husband to spend more time with her and help her prepare for their upcoming child.

Her husband informed her that he would have less time to spend with his mother if he was there for her more. The husband replied, “I understand the concept,” to which the wife added that she needed him more than his mother at that moment.

“You know my mom is coming before you.

Although appalled by her husband’s remarks, the woman accepted them when he left to visit his mother. After that, she took care of everything herself.

Her mother-in-law called her to let her know she had won while she herself was preparing for the baby. Worse, the wife could hear her husband giggling in the background while the mother-in-law bragged about her victory.

She was furious but continued with her daily activities.

When the couple’s anniversary came up a few weeks later, the wife gave him a present and prepared his favorite meal for the occasion, but her husband had other ideas for spending the time.

Her husband came home from work and left again while she was on the toilet. After 30 minutes she called her husband to find out where he was as she felt he might be preparing a surprise for her.

She informed her husband that if he acted like he was in a relationship with her, his mother could be the one to give birth to his child, even though the husband acknowledged that he was at her house.

After the phone call, she received messages from her mother-in-law and husband encouraging her to find something else to do with her time and not to be disrespectful to her mother-in-law. To see if she was wrong, she turned to the members of Reddit for advice.


The woman updated her story shortly after it was published, expressing gratitude to everyone who encouraged her and reassured her that she was not wrong. She also acknowledged:

“I think my MIL is competing with me and I may have to give my husband [an] ultimatum because after reading these comments it could only get worse from here.”

Her assumption that her husband would spend more time with his pregnant wife than with his mother was justified according to many users who said he should have been more supportive.

Some advised her to try asking her husband why he spends so much time with his mother. Her husband informed her that she did this because his mother played a specific role in his life.

The woman claimed that after realizing that her mother-in-law had no intention of changing anything, she thought hard about breaking up the marriage. She threatened to divorce him if her husband continued to act as if he were still married to his mother.

The husband sobbed and promised her that he would change when he heard this. Although she knew she had to talk to her mother-in-law, who only told her she would never win, the woman remained optimistic about her husband.

The woman made it clear that there was no win or loss and that she would lose access to her granddaughter if her mother-in-law continued to act like this. She verified that since she had spoken to her husband, he had also taken the initiative.

In this tumultuous tale of family dynamics, a woman’s journey through the complexities of a marriage overshadowed by her husband’s devotion to her mother unfolds with heart-rending clarity. As she deals with the challenges of impending motherhood, her plea for her husband’s support is met with a strong affirmation of his loyalty to her mother.

The deep-rooted bond between the husband and his mother forms a pivotal point of contention, leaving the wife feeling neglected and discouraged, especially at a time when shared responsibility and support are required. The conflict culminated in a disturbing ultimatum that revealed a complete imbalance in priorities.

Seeking comfort and advice from the Reddit community, a wife grapples with the unsettling realization of her husband’s unwavering loyalty to his mother, which seems to overshadow his commitment to their marriage. An outpouring of support and advice from other users offers a glimmer of hope and validation of her fears.

As the wife contemplates the future of her relationship and contemplates the possibility of an ultimatum, she faces the daunting prospect of a breakup or resolution. Her willingness to confront fundamental issues speaks to her determination to save the union.

The narrative ends on a cliffhanger, with the wife standing firm in her resolve but cautiously optimistic about the potential for change. The complexity of family ties, along with the complexity of marriage, leaves her at the crossroads between perseverance and the weight of decisive action.

In this emotional saga, a wife’s journey of self-reflection and re-evaluation unfolds against a backdrop of strained relationships and unyielding loyalties that hint at the potential for transformation or a strained but inevitable separation.

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