
Storekeeper Quits Selling Pepsi Containers Subsequent to Seeing New Logo On Them

S&Z Staple in Athens, Alabama retails a wide assortment of items. In any case, the storekeeper restricted two things in light of a special mark with a logo that he could have done without.

The logo being referred to is, as a matter of fact, the NFL logo that was highlighted on the containers of Pepsi.

“I would rather not help them in any capacity, since I feel like it’s simply unacceptable. I can’t in great cognizant sell the item since it has the logo on it,” Phillip Stewart, proprietor of S&Z Staple told said in a proclamation.

“This might make me lose some business, however here goes. S&Z grocery store right now won’t sell 20-ounce Pepsi or Diet Pepsi. These two things are presently created with the NFL logo on them. I will not sell the item until the logo is eliminated. I won’t kneel to earn anything as long as the competitors are permitted to kneel and lack of respect for the banner and country that I love.”

Stewart said in an explanation that he comprehended what was really going on with the players’ rally, however, felt “there are alternate ways of managing it.”

“This has focused on it I’m certain there is great that comes from this, I simply disagree with the strategy,” Stewart added.

Moreover, the storekeeper declared that he’d keep on selling Pepsi items, simply not the items that advanced the NFL logo, which as per his wholesaler would stay on the jugs through the Superbowl.

The vast majority upheld Phillip Stewart’s judgment to stop selling Pepsi items with the NFL logo. They extolled him for defending his convictions.

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