
Swimmer Riley Gaines Files $2 Million Lawsuit Against Lia Thomas for “Taking Away Everything”

Swimming athlete Riley Gaines has recently filed a lawsuit against Lia Thomas for $2 million, claiming that Thomas took away everything from her. Gaines had been subject to attacks from liberals after testifying about her experience competing against a biological male athlete, Lia Thomas. Despite Thomas’ response of calling Gaines an entitled little brat, Gaines did not retaliate and instead moved forward with her lawsuit, citing personal pain and suffering as well as potential financial gains due to fraud.

In response, Thomas took to TikTok and posted a video of herself mooning Gaines, showing her hormone treatments had not effectively removed the hair around her buttocks. This did not deter Gaines, who secured Thomas Bagger as her personal attorney and intends to call every swimmer present at the competition where the incident occurred. Gaines claimed that Thomas had taken away a moment she had worked for her entire life and not just the win.

Thomas’ spokesman, Joe Barron, apologized on her behalf, but only for the 5th place finish in a single event at a National Championship, stating that she didn’t even know Gaines’ name until recently. Thomas plans to have the case dismissed, but Gaines is determined to seek justice for the harm caused to her.

11 thoughts on “Swimmer Riley Gaines Files $2 Million Lawsuit Against Lia Thomas for “Taking Away Everything””

  1. Theresa Beilman

    She was cheated! DNA don’t lie! A biological man is a man no matter what his disphoria and any changes he makes to his body. DNA will still say he’s a man. He doesn’t accept himself but expects everyone else to accept his fantasy.

  2. If men want to be women, then have them anatomically remove their offending member that says otherwise. If they are not willing to do that, let them stay as kind of a man. Women don’t have those parts and never will.

    1. Doesn’t matter, doesn’t change muscle mass the ability to gain and generally men are larger than women, things like these can’t be changed by just cutting off his dick.

  3. It is a shame that a male who can’t preform at the manly
    level can call himself a female and be allowed to compete as a female. sorry state of affaires.

  4. You go Riley!! You are right and that is undeniable by any sane person. After women fought for decades to have their own recognized sports men are again pushing you out the door of the house build for you by previous generations. God bless!!

  5. Charles Robinson Jr.

    thomas is a man with unfair advantage over most women in sports. not just riley gaines. thomas should be sued by all competor’s that he competed with in a unlawful portrayal of a women. just because you look femenin dosen’t make you a women.

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