
Teacher’s Viral Letter Sent Home With Autistic Boy Who Struggled in School Exams

Finding out that a loved one, especially a child, has autism can often be an emotional journey filled with uncertainty and a need for understanding. Gaining an overview of the condition and access to available resources become central to providing the necessary support to both the autistic individual and their family.

Enter Ben Twist, an 11-year-old who navigates life’s challenges through the lens of autism. His recent experience of failing the SATs took an unexpected turn and turned into a heartwarming story when his teacher, Mrs. Clarkson, wrote a remarkable letter that went viral for all the right reasons.


In a heartfelt letter, Mrs. Clarkson told him how capable he was and exactly what he brought to the table before sending him home.

“Dear Ben, I am writing to congratulate you on your attitude and success in completing your final key stage SATS,” the letter reads.

You have worked so well with Gil, Lynn, Angela, Step,h and Anne this year and have done amazing things.

they sent you and your parents a letter with the test results.

I want you to know something very important: these tests are just a small sample of who you are and what you are capable of.

While you’ve done a great job and they’re important, Ben Twist has a lot of other abilities that we at Lansbury Bridge see and quantify in different ways.”


Gail, Ben’s mother, began to cry after reading the letter.

The rest of Mrs Clarkson’s letter listed Ben’s strengths which could not be quantified by a standard school test.

“You have other skills that these tests cannot assess, such as your artistic ability, teamwork skills, growing independence, kindness, ability to express opinions, athletic ability, ability to make and maintain friendships, ability to discuss and evaluate your own development. , a talent for construction and design, and musical ability.

We are thrilled that you have so many different skills and qualities that make you the unique person that you are. These are the things we watch to make sure you continue to improve and grow into a handsome, intelligent young man.

Great job Ben. You have our great admiration.

Sincerely, Mrs. Clarkson, There should be many more people like Mrs. Clarkson in the world! It would be easier to write a letter to Ben describing what needs to be changed or improved.

It is senseless to judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, just as it is senseless to judge a monkey by its ability to swim in deep water, as Mrs. Clarkson and otherwise and kind people have demonstrated.

We sincerely hope that Ben remembers his teacher’s advice and never lets his academic performance determine his worth.

If you think educators like Ms. Clarkson should get a lot of attention and praise, please share this article!

The story of Ben Twist, an 11-year-old navigating life with autism, took an unexpected turn after he received a heartfelt letter from his teacher after failing his school exams. This letter, written by Mrs. Clarkson, celebrated Ben’s unique strengths and qualities that cannot be measured by standard academic assessments. Instead of focusing on his exam results, Ms Clarkson highlighted Ben’s artistic abilities, kindness, independence, and various other invaluable qualities that defined him as an individual.

The impact of Mrs Clarkson’s letter went beyond Ben and his family. Gail, Ben’s mother, was moved to tears after reading the letter, touched by the recognition of her son’s strengths and the unwavering support shown by his teacher. Ms. Clarkson’s words resonated deeply and emphasized the importance of recognizing and nurturing the different talents and qualities in each individual, especially those that do not fit conventional academic measurements.

The viral nature of this story has sparked debate about the importance of educators like Ms. Clarkson, whose empathy, wisdom, and kindness shine through in their approach to teaching. Rather than focusing solely on academic achievement, Ms. Clarkson’s letter emphasizes the importance of appreciating each individual’s unique abilities and strengths.

In a world that often measures success solely through academic performance, Ms. Clarkson’s compassionate letter serves as a poignant reminder that true worth lies in the diverse qualities and talents that make each person unique. The story of Ben and his teacher’s letter encourages us to celebrate and nurture these qualities and recognize the immeasurable worth of each individual, regardless of academic achievement.

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