
Teen Asserts He Received a Vital Message for Humanity from Jesus Upon His Near-Death Experience and Return

In the world of near-death experiences, there are often stories that defy explanation and challenge our understanding of life, death and the afterlife. One such remarkable story is that of Landon Whitley, a young child who believes he has entered heaven after a tragic car accident that claimed the life of his father. Landon claims that during his time in the afterlife he received a vital message from Jesus, a message that he was brought from the brink of death to share with the world.

It was a seemingly ordinary afternoon on October 19, 1997, when then-eight-year-old Landon found himself in the car with his parents on the way home from church. Little did they know that this fateful day would change the course of their lives forever. As they drove through the intersection, tragedy struck. An ambulance crashed into their car, ironically a vehicle associated with saving lives.

Julie Kemp, Landon’s mother, reportedly told Fox News, “That was the last time I spoke to him.” In this case, “he” was her husband, Andy, and they were hit by an ambulance while crossing an intersection.

Landon was just eight years old when an ambulance hit his family’s car on the way back to the hospital. His father died unexpectedly.

Paramedics attended to the car after bringing Julia back to life, not realizing that Landon was still inside. Because of the damage to the driver’s side and the fact that Landon was sitting behind his father, Julie explained, “They couldn’t see his body.”

CBN claimed they realized they were looking for a child’s corpse when they discovered Landon’s shoe. Landon was found, but was already dead when they got there. He was immediately given CPR and transported by life flight.

He also died twice more that day. They revived him each time, but it was still bad. Julie recalled that despite his slim chance of survival, “they assured me that if he lived, he would be like an eight-year-old child. The brain injury would prevent him from moving, talking or eating.” Considering how desperate I was, I was fine with it. I would agree if it meant I could keep him. I had no one but him.

While her child was fighting for life in the hospital, Julie buried her marriage. At his funeral, she says she thought God had abandoned her.

I was in shock and inconsolable. And as I watch the funeral, I will be the one complaining to God. She sobbed, “I have no idea what’s going on here.

me. But in the next, I pray to God for Landon’s survival more fervently than ever before.

Two weeks after the disaster, Landon, who suffered severe brain damage, opened his eyes despite being in a coma and dependent on a number of life support systems. Julia’s prayers were answered. When it was revealed that he had no brain injury, everyone was in disbelief.

Julie was happy to see her son awake, but she also knew she had to tell him that his father had died. He had scars on his face. His mind was in excruciating agony.

Julie thought, I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. So I asked Landon, “Landon, do you know where your dad is?” He confirmed that I was fully aware of his location. sky.

Landon observed other things in paradise besides this. His long-lost siblings and deceased relatives appeared.

I replied, “He looked at me and said, ‘Oh mom, by the way, I forgot to tell you. I’ve already met your other two kids. I honestly didn’t know what he was talking about, so he just stood there and watched.

I had two miscarriages before I got pregnant with Landon. And he saw them in paradise, said Julie. Landon never found out about it. He didn’t know we lost two children before he was born.

Although no one had ever mentioned their existence to me, Landon claimed he knew they were his siblings. “I think you only know that when you’re in heaven—you know your own, or you know who they all are.”

Landon claimed that after he died, his experiences in the afterlife changed. He claims that during his third journey he personally met Jesus and received his purpose.

“Jesus came to me and told me to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him,” Landon noted.

I just want people to be aware that Jesus, heaven and angels are real. And if you follow His instructions and read the Bible, everything will turn out better in the end.

Landon and Julie use their grief to give people hope, following the advice Jesus gave him that day. Landon added, “I know I’m doing it for Jesus. I’m convinced it’s real.

I am convinced that angels exist. I think there is a place called heaven. I really met Jesus. It definitely exists. I’ve been doing what he asks since he told me to.

In 1997 I was trying to understand why God didn’t send an angel to help. Angels were present, I’m sure. I believe we have been saved and are now fulfilling God’s will for our lives, Julie stated.

She went on to say that she was able to use her experience to inspire others to “not give up and keep faith on the path of grief” rather than wallow in their own grief or turn against God in anger.

Julie also found deep meaning in sharing their story. Instead of falling into despair or resentment towards God, she used her experience to inspire others to persevere in their faith and not give up on their journey of grief. “Being able to see my child share Jesus with others is such a blessing,” noted Julie. “He is always willing to share the wonderful news of God’s existence because he knows this region personally.”

Their remarkable journey serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of faith. Born from his extraordinary near-death experiences, Landon’s message has touched the lives of many and offered a glimmer of hope in the face of life’s most challenging moments. The story of Landon Whitley and his encounter with the divine reminds us that there may be mysteries beyond our understanding, waiting to be revealed to those who dare to believe.

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