
Teenage Brat Teases Flight Attendant Unaware of Surveillance by Wealthy Father

Andrew’s journey from supercilious arrogance to humility and understanding serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of treating others with respect and kindness.

His initial behavior towards the flight attendant and other service personnel reflects a sense of entitlement and contempt for their humanity. However, thanks to his father’s tough love and the humbling experience of working as a janitor, Andrew begins to see the impact of his actions on others. His apology to the flight attendant demonstrates his newfound understanding and determination to change.

Andrew’s story serves as a poignant lesson for us all, highlighting the transformative power of self-reflection and empathy. It encourages us to think about how our words and actions affect those around us and reminds us of the value of treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Andrew, a seventeen-year-old selfish rich boy who is used to getting his way, often cruelly abuses others. His father decided it was time for Andrew to be taught a lesson in respect after witnessing him making fun of a flight attendant.

“Can you move it faster?” Andrew moved past the elderly man assisted by the young flight attendant and groaned impatiently. The man had difficulty walking, but Andrew laughed at him and hurried to his place without thinking.

After his first semester at boarding school, Andrew, who had been a frequent traveler since he was a child, raised the window shade because he was bored and couldn’t wait to get home. After a while he got up to get the tablet, but only after letting the luggage hang from the overhead bin.

He was contacted by a flight attendant who had previously assisted the elderly man. “Your purse is opening. Sir, you didn’t close the top basket properly.”

“So don’t just stand there, do it.

It’s none of my business,” Andrew retorted angrily.

Unfazed by the boy’s rude remarks, the flight attendant closed the trash can and turned to leave. Still in a sour mood, Andrew began to chew a few peanuts before spitting them out in disgust. He rudely called the attendant.

The peanut taste is horrible! Throw her that bag and give me something better than these repulsive nuts!” he yelled.

In response, the clearly agitated but polite worker said, “Sir, please calm down and don’t throw things at me.”

“I’ll do what I like!” Andrew lost his cool. “It’s your duty to help me. Please don’t bring me some horrible food like these peanuts; go get me something decent to eat. Go now!”

The other guests were shocked by Andrew’s behavior towards the sick hostess and looked on in shock.

The elderly man sitting next to Andrew, whom he had previously made fun of, stopped him from being rude to the flight attendant.

The older man scolded, “Young man, don’t talk to her like that. She serves us as part of her job, so you can’t be disrespectful to her. She came here to work and is doing a good job at it so far. If you could stop yelling at her and be polite to her.”

“Why should I be kind to someone who can’t do her job?” Andrew shot the flight attendant and snapped his fingers. “Go quickly with my snack! Don’t stand here like a statue staring at me.”

The attendant turned away calmly and with tears in her eyes.

The older man said, “Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” and went back to reading his magazine.

“Take care of yourself, old man!” Andrew responded with a disdainful reply. “I paid for this flight; I deserve good service.”

The waiter returned with the pretzels and Andrew was not impressed. “I want something better!”

The attendant said, “That’s all we have, sir,” with tears in her eyes.

A female passenger noticed Andrew’s loud remarks and approached him. “You talk to her like that, how dare you? Be respectful of others!”

“If she did her job well, I wouldn’t complain!” Andrew argued. “He’s just a terrible servant!”

The attendant started crying because she couldn’t take the insults anymore. Andrew’s violent comments echoed throughout the cabin, startling the passengers with his lack of consideration and decency.

“You should be properly punished, young man,” growled the elderly passenger next to Andrew. “I’ve been watching you the whole time and you don’t talk to people like that.

“I agree,” said the man in the smart suit behind Andrew to the other passengers. “You were so rude and mean to her. She does a great job, but you don’t seem to know how to treat people with courtesy and respect, boy.”

Andrew was quite taken aback by how familiar the voice sounded. When he turned, his mouth dropped open and his brow furrowed in horror.

“Daddy? He cried, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

“ANDREW??” The boy’s father, Steven, was equally shocked to discover that the little bully who was making fun of the flight attendant was actually his own child. A quick, cold tingle ran down his spine.

“A last-minute booking change meant I had to take this budget trip back to New York. Although I was busy revising the company’s annual report, I believe I heard your voice. It’s incredible that you would cause such a stir in this place.” Mouth clenched and his gaze fixed on his father, Andrew stood motionless as Steven raged at him.

“But… dad…” Andrew hesitated.

Steven continued, “Shut up and apologize to her now!” I’ll start teaching you etiquette when we get home. Now apologize to her.”

Andrew whispered an apology and shrugged. All the flight attendant said was “Sorry!” He didn’t understand the fuss and took great offense when his father publicly reprimanded him.

Andrew feared the consequences of his actions as he followed his father, Steven, into their lavish home after their escape. Steven escorted him to his study where they clashed.

“You made me feel so proud today,” Steven said jokingly. Is this why you were sent to boarding school? start acting disrespectfully and carelessly?

Andrew, I am disappointed in you. Steven suddenly closed the study door behind him and turned to face his son. “Your behavior must change,” he said.

“I don’t see a big deal, Dad,” countered Andrew. “She’s not important at all, really! She served us for pay, but she didn’t do it well!”

“Andrew, you have no say in how they carry out their duties. “Having money doesn’t give you the right to treat people badly,” Steven snapped, crossing his arms. “And without my wealth and support, son, you mean nothing! You must face the facts.”

“What does that mean now?!”

“You’re not going back to boarding school.

You’ll work for a living and attend public school during your break.”

“At work? Are you serious? Andrew was taken aback.”

“I’m not kidding at all. You will be employed by my janitorial services company as an administrator.”

“GARDENER? No way, Father. That’s not something I can do.”

Andrew argued.

“You stay in this. I’m taking away all your privileges, including your phone, laptop, bank cards, and even designer clothes. You feed yourself and dress simply,” Steven said firmly.

“I should have spent my time teaching you some manners instead of just making money after your mother died,” Steven said.

“You really have to understand how hard it is to survive in this environment. It’s now or never… You have to start treating people with respect and stop looking down on them.”

“But why the janitor, Dad?” “My friends are going to make fun of me,” argued Andrew, upset.

“Andrew, this is the result of what you did. You have to earn respect,” Steven retorted forcefully. “And if you quit, you’ll lose all your privileges!”

After Andrew lost, he was humiliated by being hired as a custodian for his father’s cleaning company and started working at the airport the next day. He had difficulty with simple tasks and had never even held a mop before.

“How absurd! His superior, an elderly woman, laughed and said, ‘A mopstick doesn’t hold like that.’

“Stop laughing! I’m not used to this,” Andrew shouted. “And do your job or I’ll fire you!”

“You won’t,” snapped the lady. “I know your father. He wants me to prove you right. Get to work! These floors need to be mopped by hand.”

Andrew sighed and began to wipe carefully.

“The sloths are getting faster. There’s plenty to do, so pick up the pace,” said the woman.

Andrew moaned and cursed as he swept and mopped the lounge. He was lifting big buckets of water and his hip hurt. He couldn’t even sleep because an elderly woman was watching him the whole time.

An empty plastic bottle was thrown at him by a bystander while he was cleaning up trash in the food court.

“Hey man watch out! You’re being really disrespectful to me.” Andrew growled.

The man put on his headphones, turned his back on him, and walked on.

Andrew chased after him and demanded an explanation, but the man threw him to the ground, calling him a “dirty manager”.

Andrew was then reprimanded by another man for not placing a warning sign on the wet floor, leaving him embarrassed and surrounded by laughing bystanders. Andrew apologized and said he would fix it.

He was about to fall asleep when a mother came to him carrying a little boy.

She angrily yelled, “Hey, warden, come here,” and ordered Andrew to clean up her grandson’s vomit.

“What?!” Madam, are you kidding me? I can’t get near it. Eew! Not at all!” Andrew recoiled in disgust.

“You have to do it, it’s your job,” she said.

“Don’t define my job for me. I won’t touch that! It stinks and makes me want to throw up.” Andrew argued.

“If you don’t clean it up now, I’m going to report you and fire you!” she said.

Andrew wished he would never witness a day like this. He turned to look for his assistant, but she was nowhere to be found.

Andrew grabbed a tissue and put on gloves to wipe up the vomit. Feeling helpless and disgusted, he swept the floor.

The rest of the day did not improve. Every time Andrew tried to relax, his assistant gave him new tasks. He pleaded, “Give me a break, lady. I’m tired.” “I’m not a robot, I’m human.

I need to catch my breath.”

The assistant argued, “We’re not here to rest, we’re here to work.” “Empty the bins immediately… Up! Up!”

Andrew was so tired that he quickly cleaned the sofa and took the trash out.

He was sick of climbing stairs due to escalator duties. He was so tired that he found a quiet place to sit and put his head in his hands.

The woman suddenly kicked him from behind.

“Get out of the way, you lazy fool,” with a mocking comment. “I’m going to report you for sleeping on the job.

“I didn’t sleep,” Andrew replied.

“I’ll see to it that you’re fired. How dare you answer me again?” She left with a vengeance.

Tears welled up in Andrew’s eyes as he realized that this was what his father was trying to teach him. Now he realized how painful it was to be treated unfairly by those who believed they were above him.

Andrew sobbed into his hands and looked up at the crowd when he noticed the silhouette of a woman. When he saw that it was her, he jumped up and ran after her.

He tapped the woman’s arm and shouted, “Hey, wait a minute.”

He looked up at the flight attendant he’d made fun of on the plane the day before, panting and huffing, and she turned around in surprise.

He called out, “Hey!”

“You? Oh no, not you anymore! Why are you here in a cleaning lady’s uniform? Are you employed here?” Frightened, she raised her hand to her mouth.

“I’m sorry I made fun of you yesterday,” Andrew exclaimed. “I was really rude to you. I insulted you. But you kept grinning while serving me. I’m really ashamed of myself and I swear I’ll never misbehave again.”

Could you please excuse me, okay?”

The boy’s statement and sudden change of heart stunned the flight attendant.

She smiled and replied, “I’m glad you realized your mistake.” “But I still don’t understand what you’re doing here.

Refusing to reveal anything, Andrew smirked and disappeared from the flight attendant’s line of sight to complete the unfinished business of the day.

Please share this story with your friends and let us know what you think. It could motivate them and make their day better.

Andrew’s journey from superscribed arrogance to humility and understanding ultimately serves as a powerful lesson for himself and those around him. Through his father’s tough love and the humbling experience of working as a janitor, Andrew learns the value of respect, empathy, and hard work. His heartfelt apology to the flight attendant demonstrates his newfound understanding of the impact of his actions on others. Andrew’s story as he embarks on a journey of redemption reminds us all of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their status or background. It is a testament to the transformative power of self-reflection and personal growth, offering hope that change is possible for anyone willing to learn and evolve.

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