
The childcare chain advises parents to seek approval before altering nappies.

Koncept souhlasu získává větší pozornost v různých aspektech života, od vzdělávání po zdravotní péči. Ale co když přijde na změny plenky?

The Australian Chain of Child Care has recently proposed something that many parents have scratched their heads: ask children and toddlers to permit before changing their diaper. I když to pro některé může znít progresivně, jiní zpochybňují praktičnost a nutnost tohoto přístupu.

Is it a valuable lesson in teaching the body autonomy, or is it too far? Let’s dive deeper into a controversial recommendation that has caused quite a conversation.

Anyone who takes care of children and toddlers knows that diapers are not always filled with excitement. Recently, the Australian chain of children’s care has suggested that parents ask for their child’s permission before they change their plunder. However, this proposal faced mixed reactions.

Australian Care encourages parents to request permission before changing diapers

In his efforts to teach consent from an early age, the Australian chain of children’s care, only about children, recommended that parents look for permission before changing their child’s diaper. Povzbuzují rodiče, aby zvážili, jak by se jejich dítě v této situaci mohlo cítit, a zeptaly se: 

„Pokud jste byli dítě, jak byste chtěli změnit své plenky?“

The aim is to promote respectable diaper changes and support a stronger connection between the parent and the child. Navrhli několik praktik, například:

Být trpělivý a umožnit batole, aby se během změny vyjádřilo.

Ask for cooperation, but also respect the child’s preferences as they grow.

Encouraging independence by letting children participate in tasks such as removing their diapers or shaking themselves.

Waiting for a break in the game before starting the change.

Let them choose whether to go to the overrun table or be carried.

These steps are intended to teach body autonomy, independence, and consent.

It Doesn’t Mean Leaving Kids in Dirty Diapers

Řetězec péče o děti objasnil, že to neznamená, že by dětem umožnilo zůstat ve špinavých plenkách jednoduše proto, že se v tu chvíli nechtějí změnit. They acknowledge the health risks of leaving a child in a soiled diaper. INSAT, THEY SUGGEST USING RESPECTFUL LANGUAGE LIKE, “We Need To Change Your Siaper now. Are you Okay with That?” and following the previous suggestions.

They Aren’t The First To Suggest This Approach

At the beginning of this year, a mother in the United States went viral on Tiktoku for sharing how she teaches the consent and autonomy of the body during diaper changes. She emphasized making the child feel included in the process. While small children cannot agree with diapers, they believe it is important to involve them in this experience, explain what is happening, sing songs, and offer a selection if possible (for example, “Do you want to change in two minutes?” ).

Many People Disagree

Despite these proposals, many people criticized this idea, including child psychologist Dr. Michael Carra-Gregg, who claims that children do not understand consent and cannot actively provide it during diapers.

Závěrem lze říci, že zatímco návrh požádat děti o povolení před změnou jejich plenků je učit úctu, souhlas a autonomii od raného věku, vyvolal řadu reakcí. Zastánci se domnívají, že podporuje nezávislost a zdravější pouto rodičovství a dítěte, zatímco kritici tvrdí, že děti a batolata jsou v této souvislosti příliš mladí na to, aby pochopili souhlas. Bez ohledu na to, tento přístup vyvolal důležité rozhovory o tom, jak učíme souhlas s příští generací, a pouze čas řekne, jak široce bude tato metoda přijata.

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