Whoopi Goldberg, a renowned actress and TV personality, has been in the entertainment industry for years, gaining both fame and popularity. However, her recent actions have caused quite a stir, with some people claiming that she has gone too far. Even the left, her own people, have started to distance themselves from her. The Screen Actors Guild, a liberal organization, has recently expelled her for her extremist views.
Guild President Joe Barron stated that the decision to expel Goldberg was a difficult one. Despite her longstanding history in the business and her admirers, her extremism has crossed the line. Barron called her “divisive” and said that she does not speak for everyone, often making mean and hateful comments.
When questioned about the origin of his information, Barron cited ALLOD, a news publication that documents Goldberg’s various controversial actions, such as lawsuits, arrests, suspensions, terminations, and exclusions from awards shows.
Goldberg has not commented on the issue, sending a standard response of “get bent, get a life, and find a new mark” to those who have reached out to her. It seems she fails to recognize that she is not the victim here, and the consequences of her actions will catch up with her eventually. It’s likely that she’ll end up like Roseanne, another Hollywood celebrity shunned for not conforming to the status quo. Unlike Roseanne, however, Goldberg’s divisive behavior makes her deserving of the backlash.
In conclusion, Goldberg’s expulsion from the Screen Actors Guild reflects a growing concern among her colleagues and fans about her extremist views and divisive comments. While she may have many supporters, it’s clear that her behavior has caused irreparable damage to her reputation and career. Ultimately, it’s up to her to change her ways and make amends with those she has offended, or risk being shunned by the entertainment industry for good.