You probably saw it a hundred times, but did you ever look at the Wendy’s logo?
It’s one of those things you don’t think much about until someone shows it – and as soon as you know it, you’ll never see it. This seemingly simple design hides a great secret that gives us a look into the heart of society’s history.
And while we’re on the topic of logs, you may be surprised by what you can reveal when you also look at others. Let’s dive into some hidden meanings behind the logos of two populist-food food chains.
I will be honest – I really enjoy good food fast food. Even though I don’t make a habit of stopping regularly on Drive-Thru, there is something reassuring to grab a hamburger and fries from one of my places. Wendy’s is definitely one of my favorite ones.
You are probably familiar with the Wendy logo – a smiling girl with red hair, pihas, and blue bows in her braids. But did you know that there is a hidden detail in this iconic design?
Wendy’s was named after the daughter of the founder Dave Thomas and made sure he would include another family member in the logo. If you look at Wendy’s disheveled collar in more detail, you will notice that the word “mom” hides.
And while we are on the topic of smart logo details, did you know that the metro logo contains two arrows heading in opposite directions? They symbolize the input and output of the metro. Pretty smart, isn’t it?
It is fascinating how even the smallest details in the logo can carry such meaningful stories and hidden news. Whether it is a sincere honor to the family in Wendy’s design or smart symbolism in the subway logo, these fine touches make them more unforgettable. The next time you see these logos, you will have a completely new recognition.