
The young girl’s action with a silver chain at the lake brings resolution to a tragic mystery after 2 years.

In a world often filled with reports of conflict and hardship, heartwarming stories of random acts of kindness bring rays of hope and renew our faith in humanity.

Note: In light of recent news indicating an increase in random acts of kindness across the country despite the challenges of the pandemic, we are republishing this story.

A young Oregon woman has returned a silver heart-shaped locket to the person who originally received it shortly after her father’s death.

According to multiple sources, Journey Roldan, 6, was swimming in Blue Park Lake with her mother, Winter Roldan, when she spotted something silver. She tore it open and saw that it was a locket in the shape of a heart.

“I saw a silver thing and I picked it up,” Journey told KPTV.

The locket seemed to have sentimental meaning thanks to the unique etching on the rather shabby necklace. The sign said, “Roo, always with you, Dad.”

Winter confirmed: “That’s exactly why I thought it was remarkable.

Winter was moved by the words and she made it her mission to track down “Roo” immediately. She shared a picture of the heart-shaped locket along with a description of the location on the lost and found community page on Facebook.

Winter received a response to her Facebook post in just 20 minutes. A woman, Aimee Price, called her on the phone.

Price revealed to Winter that she gave the necklace to Morgyn after her daughter’s father died unexpectedly. She claimed that the locket contained some of Morgyn’s father’s ashes and that she would affectionately call her “Roo”.

Price gave Morgyn the locket because she wanted her father to always be with her. However, Morgyn lost the necklace at the lake two years before Journey discovered it.

Price told the news outlet while fighting back tears: “I just saw the hand holding the black heart [in the post] and I knew it was hers.”

Price remembered the moment her daughter lost the locket when it accidentally slipped from her neck as “emotional”. “[It was] like he died again, and I think that was the hardest thing for me and her, it was just like we were going through it again like we were grieving again.”

But Morgyn gets a piece of her father back now because of Journey.

They lost it two years ago, which was unfortunate, so I’m glad I was able to find it for them, Journey said.

Morgyn has since given birth to her first child and now lives in the Seattle area.

“I’m excited,” Price continued. I can’t wait to get it back to her and wear it.

As this heartwarming story spread across social media and news sites, it touched the hearts of countless individuals around the world. The story of the heart-shaped locket serves as a reminder of the power of random acts of kindness and the impact they can have on the lives of others. It talks about the unbreakable bonds of love and the way even seemingly small acts can create deep connections between people.

Journey’s act of kindness, though simple, had far-reaching consequences, reconnecting the grieving daughter with a tangible reminder of her father’s love. The locket now serves as a symbol of hope and resilience, showing that even in the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, moments of kindness and compassion can bring light to the darkest of times.

The story of the heart-shaped locket serves as a testament to the beauty of humanity and the inherent goodness that resides within each of us. It encourages us to look for opportunities to lend a helping hand, show empathy, and make meaningful connections with those around us. Indeed, in this story of loss and reunion, we find a powerful lesson about the enduring power of love and the profound impact of a simple act of kindness. As we reflect on this heartwarming story, let us be inspired to spread compassion and empathy, knowing that even the smallest gestures can make a difference in someone else’s life.

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