
Three Unbelievable Encounters Between Wives and Their Husbands’ Mistresses

These three riveting stories of husbands who meet their husbands’ mistresses unwittingly provide thrills, chills, and surprising alliances.

Get ready for a journey from deception to empowerment that takes you from the bright aisles of the grocery store to a surprise birthday party held in secret.

Watch as three women’s lives are turned upside down when they discover their partners’ adultery. Lana is thrown into a search for self-worth when her routine shopping trip turns into a confrontation with her husband’s pregnant fiancee.

Attorney Lisa has financial plans to support her fiance, but when his wife turns up unexpectedly, she uncovers a web of deception that prompts a clever game of wits. When Martha, a cleaner, discovers her husband in a picture with a gorgeous influencer, she is faced with the ultimate betrayal. Let’s find out more!

1. Everything in my life changed when I met my husband’s pregnant fiancee.

As I wandered through the grocery store, fluorescent lights buzzing overhead, I was lost in thought. I felt disconnected from everything around me as I carelessly placed things in my basket.

As I turned the corner, I noticed a magazine with the catchy headline, “The Silent Battle: Recognizing Depression.” When I picked it up and looked at the symptoms, my heart raced. It’s like reading about your own troubles on paper.

After I came back, I walked around the store.

The sound of clinking shopping carts and conversation hummed in the distance. I’m stuck feeling like my life is slipping away from me.

I loaded the food on the belt in the checkout line, and the weight of the goods corresponded to my load. My one indulgence, a chocolate bar, caught me by surprise as the guilt began to set in.

Am I even worthy of this?

I put it back and went out with my things.

I found myself wandering around the shop longer than I had planned as I approached the road hoping to hail a cab soon. I sighed and wondered how time could become such a cunning enemy.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I tripped and fell to the pavement with my goods. I gasped as I saw my husband Zane standing next to another lady – a woman with a large engagement ring and a radiant glow.

Zane’s eyes widened. “Rope? Why are you in this place?”

The other woman smiled condescendingly and said, “Maybe she finally realized that she can’t give you what I can.”

I felt my intuition settle on my chest. “What’s going on, Zane?”

“I’m not explaining anything to you,” he sneered. Make dinner at home or do something productive.”

He pointed to the woman at his side and shouted, “She’s pregnant!”

“Just pick up the groceries, go home,, and make me dinner, okay?” he shouted.

My eyes burned. “Zane, this is over. I will not be treated like this.”

“You should learn where you are, Lana,” the other woman said as she turned to leave. Her words stayed with me as I left.

I turned to see what the rumble of an approaching car was. When a taxi pulled up next to me, I was startled to see the driver who seemed kind and softened in response to my concerns. “Do you need a ride miss?”

I stopped and looked into the store again. “I don’t know where I’m going.”

He smiled at her comfortingly. “Sometimes the best journeys begin without a destination.”

I overcame my nervousness and rushed to the taxi, my heart pounding. The driver suddenly changed course and the cityscape soon gave way to paths in the woods, but I could see nothing until the buildings disappeared.

“Where are you taking me?” After a while, I asked.

“To a place where I found solace in the darkest of times,” he said in a mysterious but comforting way.

As we taxied further into the forest, I became more and more nervous.

“I have to call someone.

When I reached for my phone, there was no signal. I felt a panic attack. “What brings us here? What are your desires?”

He stopped near a remote cabin. “I have no desire from you,” he refused.

That’s where my life changed, out there.

Maybe you’ll find what you need there, too.”

I followed him out of the car, a mixture of curiosity and fear. We arrived at a tree trunk that was quite heavy for the axe.

“Listen, this is a real gold ring with a real diamond. I started to say, finally realizing that it was the worst decision ever to get in a cab and have a stranger take me somewhere strange because it costs a lot of money.” I can call my husband, he is also very rich.”

“Really?” asked the taxi driver. “I thought he was leaving you for that pregnant lady.

“What? Did you hear that? Confused, I asked.”

“Yes,” he replied, smiling a little. “Get this ax out of here. Chop some wood. It’ll put you in a good mood.”

Although I found it hard to believe, in my weakness I obeyed. A roar echoed through the silent forest as I swung my axe.

It was freer than I had imagined,aandI felt the birds fleeing from the trees more than I saw them do.

The taxi driver replied, “Come with me,” his smile widened.

My voice wavered as I asked, “Why did you bring me here?”

He pointed to a lone pine and led me to the railing of the cabin. “I thought I’d end it all there, under that tree. I was in the same boat as you. My ex-supervisor was cheated on by my husband. We’ve known each other since we were little.”

My throat tightened around my breath. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I understand the darkness you feel,” he said, his voice growing louder. You’re not suicidal like me. But I chose to live, overcome my suffering, and appreciate the beauty of life.”

My barriers loosened. I am sorry for your suffering. Why do individuals hurt the people who love them the most? I breathed in the fragrant smell of the wood and thought.

He spoke more about his own experience, betrayal, hopelessness, and the ultimate acceptance of hope. I listened, and our shared grief created a surprising kinship in me.

“Do you like the forest?”

“I was surprised I did,” I said. “But there’s something wonderful about the way out of town.

He nodded sagely. “Let’s take a walk.”

As the stranger and I walked into the forest, a strange calm descended upon me. I noticed the quiet hum of the forest, the soft rustling of leaves, and the play of sunlight passing through the trees. Nature seemed to throw its arms around us and provide a comfort I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

I broke the silence and said, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He gave me a quick look with a slight smile on his lips. “You asked for a different approach.

And I had something I wanted to show you.”

As we continued to explore the jungle, he pointed out the wonders we were surrounded by. He explained the significance of the various plants and trees in a tone that exuded quiet respect, making me realize the beauty hidden in the simplicity of nature.

Along the winding path, I stopped to enjoy a bouquet of wildflowers. “It’s breathtaking. I shouldn’t be here though. I had to go back home. Fix my marriage. Divorce. Anything.

He nodded, his eyes filled with admiration for the beauty of the forest.

“Nature has a way of healing us, of showing us that life endures despite hardships.”

We continued our walk. I was cheered up by the birds’ happy song that echoed through the trees. I wasn’t ready to come home and face all that lay ahead.

The forest was enveloped in an ethereal glow as the sun slowly set. Amber and golden tones were painted on the landscape by beams of light that danced through the trees.

“It’s breathtaking,” I mumbled excitedly.

With his eyes on the changing landscape, he nodded. “This is my environment. Although it is not large, it is full of wonders.”

We arrived at a peaceful, graceful clearing where the forest floor was covered in dappled patterns created by the sunlight filtering through the trees.

I stood next to him and enjoyed the peaceful view.

“I feel like I’ve entered a new world,” she remarked in wonder.

With a knowing smile, he pointed to the decaying forest not far from us. “Come on, look.”

My eyes widened at the sight of tiny saplings budding as I walked toward the trunk. I was amazed at how resilient life is and how new developments can arise from deterioration.

“It’s a symbol,” he answered quietly. “A life that finds its way, even in the darkest of places.”

A smirk formed on my lips as a glimmer of optimism began to ignite within me. “Maybe there’s hope for me, too.

Things changed on the way back to the cabin. The closer we got to the cozy embrace of the rustic little house, the more a charge went through my body. When we spoke again, our tones were more passionate and flirtatious. This is not how things should be. My husband and I are married. Well, Zane was indifferent.

The taxi driver looked me in the eye when we got to the door and I quietly told him he could do anything. Smiling, he pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

Without ever separating our bodies, we slowly moved inside the house. Luckily the bed wasn’t far away or I was worried we wouldn’t get very far before our electricity would be too strong.

“Can I invite you to accompany me to Brazil?” asked Jared, the taxi driver. When the sun came up, we drank coffee outside. We lay in bed breathing for a while before I finally asked him his name, but we soon drifted apart.

Being with a stranger made it the wildest and most amazing night of my life.

But traveling with him to Brazil seemed excessive. How will my parents react?

“I’ll have to think about it.

“Of course,” Jared smiled. “I’ll make us breakfast.” As his invitation lingered in my head like an elusive melody, alluring and unsettling, I watched as his character made his way back home. But it was scary to think about leaving everything behind.

It was time to go back and deal with the real world.

I reached for my phone, my hand shaking as I had Zane’s number in my reach. I took a deep breath and dialed, my pulse quickening. His gruff voice sounded sharp over the line. “What is it?”

“It’s me,” I said. “Please come for me. I need you.”

In the woods, I’m at a cabin.” I listed my unusual location, which wasn’t too far from the metropolis. Well into the night, Jared set out to explore the area. Simply put, I was too injured and eager to pay attention to traveling here.

I went into the house to get dressed.

Jared stared and focused on his breakfast without saying anything. We didn’t say anything, and then he started eating and called me over. But I shook my head. My pulse quickened when I finally heard Zane’s car in the distance.

I met Zane’s look of disdain outside without turning to face my new lover. “What’s with the drama Lana?”

I stammered, “I thought…”

“You thought what?” Zane snorted. That you would travel so far and make me beg you to come back? I need you to go home and pretend nothing’s wrong, that’s why I came here. There’s no way your parents or mine can find out about it.”

“Excuse me?”

He yelled, “Just get in the car!”

I felt a sudden surge of anger. With my wedding ribbon sparkling, I held out my hand to greet Zane. “I’m done with this, Zane.

His lip curled into a frown. “As if you had better options.

The sensation within me changed, making me gasp.

“Actually, yes. I was surprised by the firmness in my voice. I stepped forward, shaking as I raised my hand.

I threw the ring at Zane, the metal part bouncing off his face, determination burning in my eyes. “I’m done playing this game.

Heart pounding with adrenaline, I turned my back on my cheating husband and marched back into the cabin. I am unattached.

With wordless understanding in his gaze, Jared stood there waiting. For the first time in a long time, my heart skipped a beat when I met his eyes.

“Ready for a new adventure?” Jared asked quietly, as if he knew I wouldn’t be able to discuss anything else.

After a moment of hesitation, during which I felt the past slipping away from me, I nodded firmly and headed in his direction. Really.

Come on, let’s go.” A searing kiss crossed our mouths.

Come on, Rio de Janeiro!

2. I surprised my fiance by visiting his wife, who he never told me about

Lisa, a 28-year-old lawyer, walked out of my office as the sun was setting and the city was bathed in a golden glow. My fiance Max surprised me by having a bouquet of flowers for him next to the car.

He nodded sagely. “Let’s take a walk.”

As the stranger and I walked into the forest, a strange calm descended upon me. I noticed the quiet hum of the forest, the soft rustling of leaves, and the play of sunlight passing through the trees. Nature seemed to throw its arms around us and provide a comfort I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

I broke the silence and said, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He gave me a quick look with a slight smile on his lips. “You asked for a different approach.

And I had something I wanted to show you.”

As we continued to explore the jungle, he pointed out the wonders we were surrounded by. He explained the significance of the various plants and trees in a tone that exuded quiet respect, making me realize the beauty hidden in the simplicity of nature.

Along the winding path, I stopped to enjoy a bouquet of wildflowers. “It’s breathtaking. I shouldn’t be here though. I had to go back home. Fix my marriage. Divorce. Anything.

He nodded, his eyes filled with admiration for the beauty of the forest.

“Nature has a way of healing us, of showing us that life endures despite hardships.”

We continued our walk. I was cheered up by the birds’ happy song that echoed through the trees. I wasn’t ready to come home and face all that lay ahead.

The forest was enveloped in an ethereal glow as the sun slowly set. Amber and golden tones were painted on the landscape by beams of light that danced through the trees.

“It’s breathtaking,” I mumbled excitedly.

With his eyes on the changing landscape, he nodded. “This is my environment. Although it is not large, it is full of wonders.”

We arrived at a peaceful, graceful clearing where the forest floor was covered in dappled patterns created by the sunlight filtering through the trees.

I stood next to him and enjoyed the peaceful view.

“I feel like I’ve entered a new world,” she remarked in wonder.

With a knowing smile, he pointed to the decaying forest not far from us. “Come on, look.”

My eyes widened at the sight of tiny saplings budding as I walked toward the trunk. I was amazed at how resilient life is and how new developments can arise from deterioration.

“It’s a symbol,” he answered quietly. “A life that finds its way, even in the darkest of places.”

A smirk formed on my lips as a glimmer of optimism began to ignite within me. “Maybe there’s hope for me, too.

Things changed on the way back to the cabin. The closer we got to the cozy embrace of the rustic little house, the more a charge went through my body. When we spoke again, our tones were more passionate and flirtatious. This is not how things should be. My husband and I are married. Well, Zane was indifferent.

The taxi driver looked me in the eye when we got to the door and I quietly told him he could do anything. Smiling, he pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

Without ever separating our bodies, we slowly moved inside the house. Luckily the bed wasn’t far away or I was worried we wouldn’t get very far before our electricity would be too strong.

“Can I invite you to accompany me to Brazil?” asked Jared, the taxi driver. When the sun came up, we drank coffee outside. We lay in bed breathing for a while before I finally asked him his name, but we soon drifted apart.

Being with a stranger made it the wildest and most amazing night of my life.

But traveling with him to Brazil seemed excessive. How will my parents react?

“I’ll have to think about it.

“Of course,” Jared smiled. “I’ll make us breakfast.” As his invitation lingered in my head like an elusive melody, alluring and unsettling, I watched as his character made his way back home. But it was scary to think about leaving everything behind.

It was time to go back and deal with the real world.

I reached for my phone, my hand shaking as I had Zane’s number in my reach. I took a deep breath and dialed, my pulse quickening. His gruff voice sounded sharp over the line. “What is it?”

“It’s me,” I said. “Please come for me. I need you.”

In the woods, I’m at a cabin.” I listed my unusual location, which wasn’t too far from the metropolis. Well into the night, Jared set out to explore the area. Simply put, I was too injured and eager to pay attention to traveling here.

I went into the house to get dressed.

Jared stared and focused on his breakfast without saying anything. We didn’t say anything, and then he started eating and called me over. But I shook my head. My pulse quickened when I finally heard Zane’s car in the distance.

I met Zane’s look of disdain outside without turning to face my new lover. “What’s with the drama Lana?”

I stammered, “I thought…”

“You thought what?” Zane snorted. That you would travel so far and make me beg you to come back? I need you to go home and pretend nothing’s wrong, that’s why I came here. There’s no way your parents or mine can find out about it.”

“Excuse me?”

He yelled, “Just get in the car!”

I felt a sudden surge of anger. With my wedding ribbon sparkling, I held out my hand to greet Zane. “I’m done with this, Zane.

His lip curled into a frown. “As if you had better options.

The sensation within me changed, making me gasp.

“Actually, yes. I was surprised by the firmness in my voice. I stepped forward, shaking as I raised my hand.

I threw the ring at Zane, the metal part bouncing off his face, determination burning in my eyes. “I’m done playing this game.

Heart pounding with adrenaline, I turned my back on my cheating husband and marched back into the cabin. I am unattached.

With wordless understanding in his gaze, Jared stood there waiting. For the first time in a long time, my heart skipped a beat when I met his eyes.

“Ready for a new adventure?” Jared asked quietly, as if he knew I wouldn’t be able to discuss anything else.

After a moment of hesitation, during which I felt the past slipping away from me, I nodded firmly and headed in his direction. Really.

Come on, let’s go.” A searing kiss crossed our mouths.

Come on, Rio de Janeiro!

2. I surprised my fiance by visiting his wife, who he never told me about

Lisa, a 28-year-old lawyer, walked out of my office as the sun was setting and the city was bathed in a golden glow. My fiance Max surprised me by having a bouquet of flowers for him next to the car.

Although our relationship was only three months old, we were already passionately in love and planning to get married soon. He handed me roses with a smile. “These are for you.

“I’m grateful. They’re beautiful,” I commented, feeling my heart skip a beat at the kindness.

Max turned to face me as he settled into his car, his eyes shining with love and pride. He snapped, “Show me the engagement ring one more time.”

I raised my hand and he saw another ring. He asked, “What is this other ring?”

“It’s a family heirloom,” I said with a sense of pride.

As we were leaving he said, “It looks very expensive.”

I nodded, acknowledging its emotional meaning and value. He nodded, but then Max revealed that his father was in the hospital and required expensive surgery. He was struggling to pay for the surgery because his startup was tying up all his financial resources. He was a businessman who was always interested in trying new things.

“How much does it take? Maybe I can help you.” I made the offer with trepidation.

“All in… $50,000.

I paused, the amount was terrifying. “I… don’t have that kind of money.

Alluding to my home funds, he promised to pay me back when his startup was profitable. I was torn and thought, “I’ll give it some thought. Surely we can find a solution to handle the amount.”

Max expressed his sincere gratitude to me. Our chat was abruptly interrupted by his phone; his housekeeper told him that there had been floods in his mansion. He apologized for not being able to join my folks for dinner.

“It’s disappointing, but I understand,” I said. “Can we plan something for tomorrow?”

Max had doubts about his ability to participate. He was worried about the rest of the trip and I was disappointed about the canceled plans. I decided to leave on the red light because I needed some time for myself. “I think I’ll get here.

Max protested, confused, but I stood my ground and walked out into the darkness.

With my head foggy and disoriented, I decided to follow my people and drove fast.

I told them of the disturbing events of the night and asked them for guidance.

My father offered to use his police contacts to find Max’s address and suggested a surprise visit. I reluctantly accepted and he quickly gave me Max’s address. I longed to get back to the passionate couple I knew we were.

I took a deep breath and went to ring Max’s door, praying that the flood wouldn’t ruin our evening. However, a woman opened the door and greeted me.

“Hello! Are you a maid for Max?” “Is he home?” he asked.

“No, Kate, I’m his wife. And you too?” The woman shot back.

“W-what?” I stammered. I’m Lisa and I’m his fiancee’ I thought in shock.

Engaged? Is this some joke? “He’s married,” Kate informed me as she displayed the wedding ring.

I showed her my engagement ring and felt confused and hurt at the same time. I managed to say, “He never mentioned being married.”

Enraged, Kate threw objects at me and accused me of seducing her husband. Her cheeks flushed with rage and she shouted, “Now go away and stay away from my husband!”

The door slammed shut and I was left outside, confused and alone, before I could answer. Feeling completely deceived, I dropped to my knees and sobbed on their front porch.

A few minutes later, Kate unexpectedly joined me, bringing champagne and apologizing for her outburst. “Looks like we’ve both been cheated on by that jerk,” she said sourly, revealing that their seven-year marriage was a lie. We drank in silence.

I expressed regret for coming here and for my stupidity. She listened intently as I described my relationship with Max, including how I had looked up his address to surprise him and how he had recently asked me for $50,000 for his father’s medical treatment.

“Oh my God! Frightened by the lie, Kate said, “His father died five years ago. “It’s time we stood up to that villain!”

When Kate called Max, he said he was working on a new project at his workplace after hours.

This only proved that no floods had ever occurred.

Kate and I then proceeded to his office. We had no problems getting in as she knew the place. But it was empty.

Still, we poked around and found mortgage papers, loan documents in Kate’s name, and fictitious passports for Max under other names.

Kate’s mouth dropped as she realized, “His real name isn’t even Max.”

I said, “Maybe he was planning to cheat on you.” This gave it a cinematic feel!

Kate wisely contrives a trip to Chicago for an auction, during which Max forces her to part with a valuable piece of art. She paused as if she regretted telling him.

I asked her about the auction but she waved her hand and said there was more important business to attend to. After reviewing the forged documents, I suggested handing him over to the police.

“That’s too simple and hell has time to get away. Kate remarked in a harsh voice, “I want to see his face when he realizes he’s lost everything.” “Wire him the $50,000 and we’ll see where he takes it.” with the police.”

“I’m saving for a house and I don’t want to lose everything,” | he said.

But in the end, she talked me out of it.

I pretended to be normal and made an appointment with Max for the next day. “Hey Max, do you want to meet for lunch today?”

Yes, Lisa. With a carefree “I’ll get you up in an hour,” he replied.

I initiated the money transfer during lunch and hid my agony. “Maxi, I have decided to lend you money for your father’s treatment.

“Are you serious? It’s Lisa, thank you,” he said with a bright smile. It looked like I was excited, but my real concern was money.

After lunch, Max and I drove back to my house. Before he left he asked to use the restroom and I gave up because I wasn’t comfortable. After a few minutes, he disappeared and I tried to contact Kate but got no response. I rushed to the car because my nervousness was out of control.

When I arrived at Kate and Max’s house, I noticed that it was eerily deserted. Reality hit me like a freight train. This was something they both intended.

Panicking, I called my dad.

“I was cheated, Dad. My voice was shaking and I told him, Max and his wife Kate grabbed all my savings and ran away.”

I’m so sorry to hear that, Lisa. My father asked, “Do you know where they could have gone?”

“Dad, I have no idea. I was about to start crying when I added, ‘I feel like they just disappeared.’

My father sighed and admitted that these scammers were cunning and that it would be difficult to trace the money.

I returned to my house completely deceived.

Then I came to the horrible realization that I was not wearing my ring, my family’s heirloom. I rushed to the bathroom, where I usually put my rings before showering, only to find them missing.

After a thorough search of my house, I came to the terrifying conclusion that Max had taken it while pretending to use my bathroom.

It looked like Max had lost the ring and was selling it to the highest bidder.

When Kate mentioned the auction, I wondered about the chance that my ring would be there, so I immediately looked up all future auctions online.

Despite my best efforts, no public bids matched, indicating that the sale was hidden. In a desperate attempt, I reached out to a client who was well-versed in the field, and he directed me to an exclusive event in Chicago.

There I was waiting for this auction in a dark room with strangers, all dressed up in masquerade. My heart sank as I watched Kate take the stage to give me the ring. I told a nearby guest that I owned the ring, but she ignored me. Out of desperation I got into a bidding war and ended up winning $300,000 to get the ring back.

I stood up and publicly confronted Kate when she asked for payment and told her that “Max will pay for everything.” When the officers entered the room, chaos broke out and Kate was taken into custody. I experienced a mixed feeling of relief and disappointment as I watched her being led away in handcuffs.

I watched Kate being questioned later at the police station through a one-way mirror.

Seeming to give up, she offered to uncover Max’s hideout in exchange for a reduced sentence.

Max’s smug exterior fell as he was captured and brought in. He was confronted with the consequences of his actions and faced serious charges.

As I left the station I experienced a complicated mixture of pleasure and pain. Max was made to pay for his lies.

I was ready to move on and finish this chapter, but I had no idea how I would ever trust anyone again.

3. My husband had a relationship with a famous influencer

I knocked and then waited outside the shelter door, eagerly waiting for it to open.

“Hello, Marta. My name is Miss Ella. I said, ‘I’m from a cleaning company,'” he briefly introduced himself.

Do you realize how long I’ve been waiting? Hurry up. She told me with a deep frown, “You’re busy.” “Everything in here needs cleaning. Be careful when handling carpets and furniture. It costs a lot.

Ella was the wealthy owner of this penthouse and a well-known influencer. She continued talking and pointed out other parts of the home that needed cleaning, but I was a bit busy.

“Hey! Remember that!” Ella snapped at me angrily.

“I’m sorry,” | he said hastily.

“The kitchen is to the left. I need you to wash the stove and dishwasher and wash all the dishes.” Ella ordered, “I need you to scrub every inch of her.” “You scrub all the toilets and bathrooms.” and make sure you don’t touch any of my statues.”

I followed her until we reached the bedroom.

She started again, pointing in different directions, “Clean and wash the sheets, and don’t forget to water my flowers.”

I listened intently to everything she said at first, but as soon as I noticed the pictures on her bedside table, I was paralyzed. I’m sorry. “Who is it?” I took one of the photos and asked.

“What are you trying to say? What is the purpose of touching it?” Ella asked, visibly offended that I had disobeyed her orders.

“I mean, who is the man in this picture?” I asked once more as I clutched the photo with shaky hands.

“He’s my friend, but what about you?” Ella gave me a nasty look and barked at me. “Did you come to snoop around my house or clean it?”

I slowly put the photo down, tears welling up in my eyes as I forced myself not to cry. “You’re right. I’m sorry,” I bowed my head. “I was just curious.

“Do you act like this when you clean other apartments, Marta?” Ella came back into the living room and yelled at me. “I’ll be back soon and I expect you to be done by then.

I dropped the cleaning products and hurried back to the bedroom as she left. The photos were there, and just like before, standing next to Ella was my lovely husband of five years.

I found it unbelievable that Jack was cheating on me.

All I was was a devoted wife. I sniffed, not realizing that I had started to cry. However, this was not to happen. I turned and started after dropping the pictures and fighting the urge to destroy them.

When I was done I sat down on the floor and waited for Ella to come back; my eyes were blood-red.

It’s a good thing you look like the devil. Ella commented, “I guess you’re done,” as she walked in and closed the door.

I scrambled up off the floor. I staggered and said, “I have something to tell you.”

“What? Did you cause any damage?” Ella asked, looking around her apartment with furious eyes.

“No, I didn’t break anything.

“So what is it? Ella told me that tomorrow is my boyfriend’s birthday and she doesn’t want anything to go wrong.”

It took me a while to understand what she said. After weeks of planning his birthday, which I was sure I would spend with him, I got a different message.

“Your bathroom is clogged and I have to finish it tomorrow,” I said.

I felt I had to act, even though I didn’t have a clear plan.

“Good! Leave now!” Ella sighed as she settled down on the couch in the living room, “You’ll fix it tomorrow.”

After I got home, I learned that Jack’s boss, Mr. Holland, was coming to visit, so I couldn’t tell him about my find. I started working on cleaning the house and making dinner because I was feeling less and less by the minute.

“Did you enjoy your steak, Mr. Holland?” As I was about to ask more questions, I heard Jack scold me.

“Who gave you the confidence to ask for praise? My husband cried, ‘If Mr. Holland approves, he will say so himself.’

“Marta, thank you. Everything tastes great. Mr. Holland’s remarks have given me some relief.”

These dinners often made me feel like I was losing my career because I didn’t have a college degree and couldn’t finish high school after I got pregnant with our only child, Sam.

“Martha, get up from where you are; our guest’s plate is almost empty. “Give him more of your delicious food,” Jack replied, motioning gently for me to get up from my seat.

“Thanks, I’ve had enough,” said Mr. Holland, smiling amiably in my direction.

Jack ordered, “Then take our plates, Martha, and make us some coffee,” then turned to Mr. Holland. “Don’t worry about her.

Since she didn’t go to school, I have a lot to teach her.’

I was too exhausted to moan so I went with the flow.

Mr. Holland thanked me after dinner and turned to Jack. “I’ll see you in the office tomorrow and then we’ll discuss your promotion.”

Jack finally lost his temper when his boss left. “Marta! You’re not even sorry, and you probably ruined my chances for that promotion!”

With tears in my eyes, I mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

Yes, exactly! I’m going to bed. Tomorrow will be hectic for me, especially since I’m leaving for a business trip. I understand it’s my birthday, but Mr. Holland needs me. The reason is promotion.”

“What? Whereas…” I trailed off at Jack’s grimace.

“I don’t have time to answer your useless questions.

Good night.

I wanted to confront Jack when I saw him fast asleep, but I knew it wouldn’t work.

“Happy birthday,” I greeted Jack the next morning as we were about to hug him.

He was dressed and ready for the day.

He adjusted his tie and said, “I’ll be gone for three days.”

Knowing that my husband was visiting another woman made me feel even more inadequate and terrible. I was still unable to talk about my discovery.

I dropped Sam off at school and headed to Ella’s house. Even though I saw the bags he had packed for the vacation, Jack wasn’t there.

“Marta! I’m going too and my guy just left. Please fix the bathroom before I get back.”

I said, “Yes ma’am,” ready to wait until nightfall to confront them both.

As Ella was leaving I picked up my phone and called the individuals I had invited to Jack’s birthday surprise to let them know it was postponed. I hesitated to send the same message to Mr. Holland. Rather, I gave him Ella’s address along with all of Jack’s acquaintances and associates.

When night came, I greeted each visitor individually. When the front door was unlocked, Jack and Ella entered the house cautiously, saving them time.

Everyone exclaimed, “Surprise!” as the room lit up and my husband and his lover swarmed with horrified birthday decorations.

I moved in their direction before anyone could continue. “Jack, you can’t dispute that. I know you’re having an affair with her. They all thought they were there for a surprise party, so they were all shocked when I screamed.”

“I looked at the pictures!” “Is this a business trip for you?” I continued on, feeling a little pleased to see the looks of wonder on their faces.

“Who are all these people?” The crowd confused Ella so she asked.

“This man is my husband and we even have a son together!” With all the pain and anger I’d been holding in since learning this, I announced.

“Marta! What’s going on? How could you invite my friends and co-workers to my friend’s house?” Jack winced.

“Ella is your lover!” I made the accusation, I wish I had chosen the photos of the room as evidence.

“Ella? My lover?”

Ella shook her head. “Jack is one of my longtime friends. She began to explain, “He asked me to help him promote a project he was working on. “I was surprised that it’s his birthday today and I quickly invited him home after our meeting.

“But when I asked, you told me he was your friend.

We barely spoke when you came in here to clean. “I suppose you’re too suspicious,” Ella replied, her lips quivering.

“Mr Holland, I swear I am telling the truth.

I have some pictures to show you. Glancing at Jack’s superior, I added, but he shook his head.

Before I could say anything, Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me away. “Don’t think about it. I’ll divorce you and take full custody of Sam if you keep going! Now be a good girl.”

Jack lifted my chin and looked me straight in the face, warning me, “You’re going to apologize and say you were wrong, and that will end this drama.”

He led me back to where everyone was standing as I fought back hot tears. “I’m sorry for the trouble I may have caused. I answered with my head down because I didn’t know what else to do. I was wrong. No one was in my corner.”

Jack didn’t say anything to me on the way home. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the bedroom when we got there.

“I’ll give you a warning for the duration of our marriage. Jack promised that ‘we’ll make sure you never see our son again if this happens again.’

That evening, however, I visited Ella’s house rather than go to bed.

“Even though you know I don’t mean anything, aren’t you angry?

We were both deceived by him; don’t you want to settle down? I knelt on the ground with tears streaming down my face and pleaded, “I need help with my divorce and protecting my son.”

At first, I found Ella repulsive, but she warmed to me in time.

“My profession is too important for me to reveal myself as a lover; I’m not an evil witch. Ella groaned, “I know a great way to get back at him if you want.” After a few more hours of conversation, we came up with a plan.

Ella suggested that she could contact a private investigator on my behalf to select the best divorce attorney. She also promised to help me get a nice job.

“I have his boss’s number,” he remembered.

“We might as well give him what we come across.

Good man that he is, he won’t-“

Ella grabbed my wrist out of nowhere and stared at it, thinking, “If we frame it well, we can get the boss to fire him.” “We should add physical abuse to the charges.”

She used her phone to take a photo of the pink and purple bruise on my arm. “If we do it right, he could go to jail for a few months,” she said.

“We must not put him in jail,” I said, fearing for our son. “That’s not what I want.

“You seem misinformed. That’s what I do, not for you! I was a little shocked to hear Ella say, ‘You’ll get the divorce you wanted and I’ll get the revenge I need.’ “

I felt exhausted and anxious about what lay ahead as I walked away from her. I slept restlessly that night.

The next morning I saw Jack rushing in, his face full of anger.

“To get proof to divorce me, you hired P.L. How arrogant are you?” Jack slapped my face hard and yelled at me.

He heard heavy footsteps behind him before he had a chance to ask me any more questions. He turned around to see several police officers about to arrest him.

He yelled, “You called the cops on me!”

“No, it was me!” Ella stated, smiling as she saw him being dragged away by the police. And with that, she turned to face me.

“I apologize for the last-minute change of plans.

After finding out all the information I needed about him last night, my P.L. decided to drop the act this morning. Sorry if this seems like a publicity stunt, but wouldn’t it be better if you divorced him while he was incarcerated?

And for the first time in days, I smiled.

After the initial shock, each of the women in these stories forges a path marked by defiance, resilience, and sometimes sweet revenge.

In the face of lies, they find courage and freedom, proving that the journey from self-discovery to betrayal can be as unpredictable as it is cathartic.

Are you also a person with a similar story? Tell us about it, please!

Share these stories with your friends and let us know what you think.

If you liked them, you might like these three stories about single parents who go above and beyond to care for their children. 

As the sun sank below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest, I found myself standing in that peaceful clearing and feeling a deep sense of clarity. The world I knew—the world defined by my marriage, my home, and my routine—seemed abandoned, swallowed up in nature’s vast, healing embrace.

I turned to a stranger who somehow became my guide on this unexpected journey. His face was calm and reflected the peace I was beginning to feel within. “Thank you,” I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and awe. “For everything. For showing me that there is more to life than the pain I carry inside.”

He nodded, wordlessly understanding the depth of my emotions. “You don’t have to go back to a life that hurt you,” he said gently. “But if you do, know that you have the power to shape it into something better. You are stronger than you think, Lana.”

His words resonated deeply with me. For so long I felt trapped, defined by my relationship with Zane and the expectations that came with it. But now, as I stood here, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the forest, I realized that I had the power to change my story. I was no longer the woman who would quietly endure betrayal, who would come home to make dinner for the man who broke her heart.

“I’ll go on,” I said more to myself than to him. “I deserve better.

The weight that had weighed down my soul for so long began to lift and was replaced by a growing sense of freedom. The forest showed me that life goes on and that new growth is possible even after destruction. So I took a deep breath and let go of the pain, anger, and self-doubt that plagued me.

As we made our way back to the cabin, the path seemed different, as if the trees themselves were celebrating my newfound determination. The stranger and I parted with a simple nod, a silent acknowledgment that our paths had crossed at just the right moment for both of us.

When I returned to the city, it was not the same life I had left behind. The vibrant, busy streets no longer felt like a place of confinement, but rather like a realm of possibility. I would face Zane, but not with the intention of getting him back or revenge. Instead, I would confront him knowing that I was more valuable than the life he tried to trap me into. I would carve out a new future for myself—one where I could thrive, grow, and find happiness on my own terms.

And so, when I took that first step back into my life, I knew I wasn’t the same woman wandering around the grocery store aimlessly. I was Lana – strong, resilient, and ready to take on whatever the future brought.

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