
Toddler’s Life Hangs in Balance After Babysitter Assaults Him for ‘Crying’

In a devastating turn of events, 3-year-old Noah Brown from Indiana is currently in critical condition and fighting for his life after a harrowing incident with his father’s 12-year-old stepson. What was supposed to be a day of care under his father’s supervision turned into a nightmare for Noah, who ended up badly injured due to the actions of the person assigned to watch him.

Specifically, Noah’s father was supposed to be caring for the child on the day of the horrific incident; his parents recently separated.

However, the three-year-old boy was supposed to be watched by his stepson, whom Noah was entrusted by his father.

Candy King, Noah’s grandmother, said Noah, who his family described as an extremely active youngster, began wailing, which enraged the babysitter.

She clarified that because Noah had previously struggled with anger management, a 12-year-old babysitter was in no way a good choice to be in charge of him.

Unfortunately, the babysitter started beating Noah with a belt to stop him from sobbing. Then she threw him over to the bed where his head hit the bunk frame. After that, the 12-year-old kept banging the toddler’s head against the wall until Noah finally passed out completely.

The babysitter was charged with four counts of battery, possession of a personal weapon and aggravated assault shortly after the violent episode.

Sadly, due to the extent of his injuries, Noah experienced convulsions and required sedation.

His mother Michelle Lane told the Mirror: “Due to the severity of his injuries, he had to be placed on life support and had part of his skull removed.”

“He’s got a long road to recovery,” Lane told Fox 59. “There’s no guarantee what his quality of life is going to be, but we’ve been praying and hoping for the best that he’s going to be OK.” She added that the fact that Noah is also battling COVID-19 makes the situation worse.

Lane started a petition to raise the minimum age for childcare in her state from 16 to 18. She stated that “there is no age requirement law for guardianship of a minor in the state of Indiana.”

We hope Noah recovers from his wounds as quickly as possible.

Noah Brown’s harrowing ordeal at the hands of his father’s twelve-year-old stepson has left the boy fighting for his life. An unpleasant incident where the nanny who was supposed to be looking after Noah became violent resulted in serious injuries requiring life support and surgery. As Noah fights to recover, his family faces uncertainty about his long-term prognosis and the added complication that Noah will also contract COVID-19. The devastating incident prompted his mother, Michelle Lane, to push for changes to child custody laws aimed at raising the minimum age requirement to keep minors safe in Indiana.

The heartbreaking situation is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of children and the urgent need for strict measures to protect them. The traumatic event not only underscores the importance of choosing responsible caregivers, but also highlights the need for legislative changes to ensure the safety and well-being of minors placed in the care of others.

As Noah embarks on a challenging road to recovery, support and prayers are pouring in from supporters who hope for his speedy recovery and a positive outcome despite the uphill battle ahead. The bravery and resilience shown by Noah and his family in the face of this tragedy serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the midst of adversity.

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