
Video Revealing the ‘True Speed of Planes’ Demonstrates Just How Fast They Really Fly

Have you ever looked up at a jet hovering high overhead and envisioned yourself racing against it?

While it’s a whimsical thought that many of us have entertained at some point, the reality is that competing with an airplane is a futile endeavor. We often marvel at the incredible speeds of airplanes, but our perception of their speed can be quite misleading.

A newly released video takes us beyond illusion to reveal just how fast these flying giants really travel, and it may change the way you look at aviation forever.

Every person has had to race against an airplane above at some point in their life. Although it is completely impossible to win the race, some of us may have even entertained the thought of winning. Although we are aware of the speed of airplanes, we do not know their exact speed because they are flying so high above us.

However, a fresh video has surfaced that illustrates just how fast an airliner moves when not observed from a significant distance.

For the curious, this phenomenon in which we perceive planes flying overhead at a reasonable speed, even though they are apparently flying faster, has a name. This depends on how fast the object is moving through the person’s field of vision and is called motion parallax.

This means that a car traveling at high speed on the highway will appear much faster than a plane in the sky that remains in our field of vision for a longer period of time. However, this TikTok video goes beyond motion parallax and shows the actual speed of planes.

The aircraft in the video is a Boeing 737, which is typical for most airlines. The plane can go at an incredibly high speed of 545 mph, but that’s not enough.

Many different types of aircraft are capable of significantly higher speeds.

Even though it doesn’t seem like it, planes are pretty fast.

With a cruising speed of about 1,340 mph, the Concorde supersonic airliner was able to cross the Atlantic in record time.

The Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird, the fastest air-breathing aircraft ever built, is much faster than the much slower Concorde. When it was originally created and built in the 1960s, its main purpose was exploration.

This video is a great example of how fast all planes fly, so it wouldn’t be a bad thing to say that. In this video, the aircraft is seen flying around the clouds and appears to be cruising towards the target, as opposed to the typical aerial view of the aircraft from a considerable distance away.

Those who can see the footage while inside the plane may find it a little unsettling because of how high the plane flies and how quickly it lands; it seems almost surreal. It seems strange to consider that passengers on a bus powered by fossilized dinosaur remains can travel through the air at nearly 500 miles per hour.

However, there are several answers to why planes stay in the air after takeoff, but none of them really explain why.


The real speed of planes

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Engineers believe they understand every aspect of what makes a plane fly, but they can only guess. After watching the video, I saw some very interesting reactions from other TikTok members. “I refuse to believe it,” one person wrote.

Someone else said, “I didn’t need to know that a few days before I got on the plane.” The comment “Never get on a plane again” was made to the third.

In conclusion, this captivating TikTok video not only highlights the incredible speed of modern aircraft but also invites us to ponder the mysteries of flight that still attract aviation enthusiasts and casual observers alike. While we often perceive the planes hovering above us as moving at a leisurely pace, the reality is much more amazing, with commercial jets like the Boeing 737 reaching speeds of around 545 mph and supersonic planes like the Concorde exceeding 1,300 mph. 

The phenomenon of motion parallax plays a vital role in our perception, reminding us that context is everything when it comes to speed. The video serves as a powerful reminder of the technological marvels that allow us to travel at such remarkable speeds, often powered by technology that seems almost otherworldly. 

While the video evokes a mixture of awe and anxiety, evidenced by the humorous yet engaging reactions of viewers, it ultimately enriches our understanding of aviation. It encourages us to embrace the wonder of flight and appreciate the complexity involved in keeping these massive machines in the air.

Whether you’re a frequent flyer or afraid of air travel, there’s no denying the thrill of watching planes in action, and this video is a testament to the thrilling experience of flying through the skies. So the next time you look up and see an airplane overhead, remember the amazing speed at which they fly and perhaps allow that knowledge to enhance your appreciation for the adventure of air travel.

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