
Vivian Wilson fires back at father Elon Musk’s cases she’s dead — utilizing her Strings account

‘I look very great for a dead b*itch”

On Monday, Elon Musk said in a meeting with the Everyday Wire that his little girl, Vivian Wilson, is dead since she changed.

He likewise said he was “deceived” into approving her to go on pubescence blockers when she was under 18.

Wilson posted on Strings that she would distribute a total reaction to her dad’s assertions. In any case, she actually figured out how to shoot various replies, including to a tweet where Musk said she was conceived “gay and marginally mentally unbalanced,” which she said was bogus.

She likewise said, “I look very great for a dead bitch.”

In a video at first tending to Musk’s meeting, Wilson said she’s getting along nicely. Then, at that point, she handled Musk’s tweet posted on Tuesday about her.

“[Vivian] was conceived gay and somewhat mentally unbalanced, two credits that add to orientation dysphoria,” Musk tweeted in light of a Gays Against Custodians post about the meeting. “I knew that from when [she] was around 4 years of age and [she] would choose garments for me to wear like a coat and let me know it was ‘spectacular!’, as well as [her] love of musicals and theater. However, [she] was not a young lady.”

Xavier was conceived gay and somewhat mentally unbalanced , two credits that add to orientation dysphoria.

I knew that from when he was around 4 years of age and he would choose garments for me to wear like a coat and let me know it was “breathtaking!”, as well as his adoration for musicals and theater.…

Wilson said the most clever piece of the entire meeting was the “marginally medically introverted” tweet, which she additionally said was “completely phony.”

“In a real sense no part of this consistently occurred. Ever. I don’t have any idea where he got this from,” Wilson posted on Strings. “My most realistic estimation is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay generalizations, just picked some indiscriminately and said ‘eh-sufficient’ in a final desperate effort to earn compassion focuses when he is so clearly in some unacceptable even in his own fucking story.”

Yiannopoulis is a gay, extreme right moderate reporter who used to work at Breitbart, the extreme right media source once show to previous Trump organization official Steve Bannon.

She likewise alluded to Musk by the moniker “Adrian Dittman,” a X record that many accept is controlled by Musk and may have been a ding at his fixation on character or refusal to utilize her name.

“Now that I’ve gotten forward momentum perusing Adrian Dittman to rottenness, I need to make one thing totally understood,” Wilson posted on Strings. “I repudiated him, not the opposite way around.”

In 2022, Wilson changed her last name from Musk to her mom, Justine Wilson’s, last name. At that point, she said she as of now not wished to be connected with Musk “in any capacity whatsoever.”

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