
When the airline declined to allow the father to travel with his newborn, an unidentified woman stepped in to help!

Rubin, a 43-year-old father from Cleveland, Ohio, was faced with a unique and challenging situation when he learned that he would be given custody of his newborn daughter, Ru-Andria, in Arizona, where he currently resides. Determined to bring his daughter back home, Rubin packs his bags and embarks on a journey that will not only reunite him with his child but also introduce him to an extraordinary guardian angel.

When Rubin arrived in Arizona, he went to the hospital where his newborn daughter was staying at Banner University Medical Center. It was his first time meeting his precious child, and little did he know that this visit would also lead to a warm encounter with a compassionate stranger named Joy Ringhofer.

Joy, a 78-year-old neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) volunteer, has been providing support and care to newborns and their families for some time. Despite the recent loss of her husband, she continued to give her time to help those in need, and that day she ran into Rubin and Ru-Andria.

Newborn baby Ru-Andria was admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) after birth and stayed there for several days as a precaution.

Joy could see that Rubin was a loving father to their children despite the fact that he had recently lost her husband, despite the fact that he had been thrown into an unforeseen situation.

He had three grown children from his first marriage and four stepchildren from his second marriage to Tiffany, who was 32 at the time.

Rubin was surprised when for some reason, he didn’t understand, Joy had to give her contact information and write down her phone number.

She offered him a ride to the airport on the day he was due to fly out so he could continue his journey.

As it turned out, Rubin wouldn’t let Ru-Andria board the plane until he had proof of her age, so they couldn’t travel together. Frontier Airlines standards state that a child must be at least seven days old to fly.

On the other hand, getting the necessary paperwork can take up to a week!

When Rubin ran into the airport’s massive barrier, he didn’t know what to do. He toyed with the idea of ​​sleeping on the airport floor for days to save money while he waited for her birth certificate to be picked up.

I didn’t have any cash on me and the hospital told me I would have to wait seven days to get my birth certificate. Airport security can charge me with neglect and take my baby if they catch me sleeping with a newborn there. That made me quite nervous. I was screwed.

When he tried to talk to his wife, Tiffany, she gave him a confused answer.

They just lacked the means for him to rent a car and go home or get a hotel room and stay there until everything was sorted out.

I was worried when he called me from the airport and said he wouldn’t be allowed to leave until he got his birth certificate in four days. I was afraid he was going to pass out while waiting at the airport when he called me from there and said they wouldn’t let him travel unless he got his birth certificate in four days. We seemed to have exhausted all our options, which made me quite nervous.

Rubin briefly considered contacting Joy, the NICU volunteer who had been kind enough to drive him to the airport and who had treated him with nothing but compassion the entire time they were together.

Out of desperation, he dialed the older man’s number and decided to take a chance. I instructed him to wait there. You’ll walk me home, I promise. The world is full of danger, but it also holds many promises of good. It was a pleasure to talk to Rubin and help him with the baby when we were both in the hospital. I could tell by just looking at him that he had a good heart because he was kind and welcoming.

Ohio deli owner Rubin couldn’t believe that Joy was willing to help him, a total stranger, and Ru-Andria in their precarious state.

I remarked, “I’m black, she’s white.” I’m a complete stranger who grew up in the slums of the Bronx, and she’s a great-grandmother who recently lost her husband. She took me in even though she didn’t know much about me. When it comes to people’s skin tones, she’s got it going. She showed me that there is still compassion in the world despite all the craziness.

Rubin contacted his wife to share the story of how his guardian angel Joy went above and beyond to help him when he needed it.

She was also amazed by everything. However, Rubin did not hesitate to accept Joy’s offer as he had a positive impression of her from the moment they first met.

Miss Joy had a close friendship with Ru-Andria and was as gentle and compassionate as an angel. When my child heard my mother’s voice, her look would light up. I knew we would be friends for life as soon as she opened her home to us.

The middle-aged father and the elderly widow chatted non-stop and took turns taking care of Ru-Andria when they were together.

At the time, Joy claimed to be the proud grandmother of four children, seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.

They went grocery shopping, had brisk walks with Ru-Andria, and even went to the cemetery to see Joy’s late husband’s grave.

I whispered to Charles at the grave, “Hey, look—that’s your new granddaughter,” because I could see the sadness on her face at the death of her husband. We shared some really amazing and touching moments. Joy has basically taken on the role of mother or grandmother to me since my mother died of cancer in 2007.

Rubin and Ru-Andria were finally able to return home once the birth certificate was completed, and Rubin was ecstatic to see his wife and their children for the first time in a very long time.

Although they were saying goodbye to their newfound friend, Rubin, Joy and she knew their connection was special and lasting. They vowed to stay in touch and maintain their friendship despite the miles that separated them. Through FaceTime and phone calls, they continued to share their lives and experiences.

“We simply understood that we would be in contact in the future. When we first met, we were complete strangers, but eventually, we became close friends. Rubin respects me very much and I am grateful for that.” they got this opportunity in return.

Rubin is aware of the possibility that Joy could have easily convinced him to end their relationship. Instead, by letting a stranger and his child into her home and opening her heart to both of them, she helped Dad out of a precarious situation.

Forever grateful for Joy’s selfless help and friendship, Rubin knew he had encountered a true guardian angel in the form of this kind-hearted volunteer. Joy’s willingness to open her home and heart to a stranger and his child was a testament to the power of compassion and human connection.

Watch the video below to see their touching story presented!

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