
Woman Sneaks Away from Restaurant After Fiancé Requests Payment for the Bill

In a dramatic saga of financial hardship and relationship turmoil, our protagonist, armed with a 30% increase in income, faces the relentless demands of her fiance. In a twisted tale of a dinner scam, her partner takes advantage of newfound wealth inequality and tries to get her to cover the cost of a meal for him and his pals. Despite her valiant efforts to resist, a fateful restaurant encounter ensues, marked by whispered negotiations and a daring escape.

When the dust settles, the scorned fiancé, armed with accusations of stinginess and childish behavior, faces the ultimate betrayal—an unpaid bill and a quick exit. The Reddit community is eager to weigh in on this melodramatic financial fiasco, offering advice and commentary on the turbulent relationship.

One woman claimed that because her fiance made fun of her for being richer than him, he wanted her to perform for him and his friends at a restaurant.

She told her story on Reddit.

This woman claims she received a 30% pay increase and her fiance started arguing about it.

“My fiance (M37) and I have been engaged for five months. He wants to share financial information so we don’t. I got a raise. I noticed he is taking advantage of the fact that I make 30% more than him to ask me to pay for him and his buddies. He’s always said ‘the 30% because’ when I’ve said ‘no’ or ‘why should I pay for it?’ He presents it as if I don’t deserve the 30% or that it’s unfair.”

Before leaving, she stated that she would not pay this time because he had tricked her several times into paying for the food.

“He has repeatedly asked me in public to pay for his and his friend’s meals, tricking me. To be honest, I’m too polite to say no. I simply smile and pay because I hate conflict, especially in public settings , such as restaurants. Last Tuesday, he invited me to dinner with him and his friends. I immediately informed him that I would not cover the cost of their meal and that he should not count on it. “No worries,” he said, adding that “it got”.

Her fiance then suggested in whispers during their dinner that she would pay again, to which she replied in the negative.

“We arrived at the restaurant. We ordered food and met up with friends. He also leaned over to me in the middle of the meal to whisper that I would cover the cost of everything he and his friends ordered.”

I reciprocated with a whispered “nooooo” because I was so upset, but I think he trusted me not to cause too much trouble in front of his friends and in public. he said “you have enough money to pay for everyone’s food, remember the 30%?””!

She got angry and returned home after paying her own bill.

“I was furious inside. Rather than take offense and lose my cool. After waiting for the bills to arrive (which had already been split when we placed our first order), I paid for mine and excused myself to use the restroom. That I stole it, got into the car and drove home.”

Then her fiance wrote and called to find out where she was, to which she replied with details.

“My fiance started calling and texting me to find out where I was. I texted him back and let him know I didn’t like how he put me in this predicament and basically tricked me into paying for their dinner. He stopped responding after I told him I was going home.”

Then she said they were arguing about it.

An hour later he showed up and started berating me, accusing me of being cheap, selfish, unreasonable and childish for leaving him to the mercy of an unpaid bill (he had to call his brother for help). He left after a sharp argument between us. His friends were evasive about it with me, but he told me they were disappointed by my actions and advised him to “think” about what kind of woman he wanted to marry.

These are some of the responses she received from other Redditors when she asked for advice.

In conclusion, the woman found herself in a difficult situation when her fiance repeatedly pressured her to cover the expenses for him and his friends citing her recent salary increase. Frustrated by his actions, she took a stand during dinner and refused to pay for the meal after notifying him beforehand. The ensuing argument and accusations of cheapness and unreasonableness led to a heated confrontation that resulted in the fiancĂ©’s departure.

Responses from other Redditors varied, with some empathizing with the woman’s frustration and recommending open communication about financial expectations in a relationship. Others criticized the fiance’s behavior and advised the woman to reconsider her engagement, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and understanding in a partnership. Ultimately, this incident highlights the importance of healthy communication and shared financial values ​​in maintaining a harmonious relationship.

This Reddit story highlights the complexities that can arise in relationships, especially when it comes to financial dynamics. The incident reveals a lack of mutual understanding and respect where the woman feels manipulated and pressured. Orientation in financial discussions and expectations is essential for any couple, and this situation serves as a reminder of the importance of transparent communication and shared values. While the woman reflects on the incident and considers the future of her engagement, it is an opportunity for both parties to reassess their approach to financial matters and secure a fairer and more respectful foundation for their relationship.

7 thoughts on “Woman Sneaks Away from Restaurant After FiancĂ© Requests Payment for the Bill”

  1. He is manipulative & greedy. They should split bills 50/50. He’s also making her wrong for being more competent at earning money than he is. Dump the guy.

  2. If you are still with him, next time discuss who will pay. If he agrees to pay, you should then inform him that you will not be being any cash or credit cards to dinner.

  3. The man is childish, competitive and disrespectful of her. Put her on the spot and also embarrassed himself and her in front of his friends! Not a person of character to have as a partner in any situation.
    Dump him fast!

  4. You earned that 30% increase because you worked to earn it. And you can spend it however you want. I think the issue here is a big one and he just assumed you were going to pickup the check because he told you to. Get rid of the jerk. This is only the start of your problems.

  5. I can imagine what would happen if his name was on an account your salary went into….and no matter what agreement you have with him regarding finances for the future you can’t trust him to stick to it as he has clearly indicated. I’d say time to vacate that relationship unless you can live in uncertainty and his disrespect. Oh, and another thing…his friends should pay their own bill for dinner. You did the right thing.

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