
Years After Refusing to End Her Husband’s Life Support, He Wakes Up and Utters Two Unforeseen Words

The story of Danielle Davis and her unwavering faith in her husband’s recovery touched the hearts of readers around the world. It is a testimony to the power of love, hope, and determination, it shows the resilience of the human spirit in the most challenging moments of life.

After being told by paramedics that they had to “pull the plug” on her husband after a near-death car accident, one lady refused.

Danielle Davis’ husband, Matt Davis, died in a motorcycle accident seven months after they were married, according to WTOC. Doctors urged her to take him off life support nine days after the tragedy.

“They said if it was them, they would have pulled the plug,” she explained. “That’s exactly what they would want their family to do.”

Danielle refused to let go of her husband and said she felt God could help him.

“I didn’t believe it was too big for God,” she explained.

“If we have to bring him home, we’re going to make sure he has the best view in the world,” Danielle urged her mother, according to ABC News. “If he’s going to be a body in bed, let’s at least give him something to look at.”

Matt finally spoke up one day.

“I’m trying,” he admitted.

Matt started to feel more normal after a few months of counseling. His personality quickly followed, with one incident, in particular, catching the attention of his loving wife.

“I kid you not,” she says, “buffalo chicken wrap from Cheddar’s,” Danielle explained to ABC News. “We all turned because we knew what he said.

Years later, Matt regained his mobility and long-term memory. He does not remember courting or marrying his wife; they had just been dating for two months when they got married.

Matt told WTOC that he has a message for other husbands after his life-changing accident.

“Dude, take out the trash because there might be a day when you can’t,” he said.

Many readers applauded the wife for not giving up on her husband and believing in him.

“Nothing is too big for our God, just have faith,” one Facebook reader wrote.

“With God all things are possible,” wrote another.

“I almost cried when I read it,” commented one ABC Newsreader. “What a touching and loving story!” “I wish you both the best of luck for the future.

“Love the story. Beautiful young lady! Congratulations to you both and best wishes for your future together,” said another reader.

Despite the progress, problems remained. Matt’s memory of their courtship and marriage was erased by the accident, leaving a void in their history together. Yet through it all, Danielle’s love and devotion never wavered. She embraced the opportunity to reintroduce herself to her husband, create new memories together, and cherish every moment of their newfound life.

Their journey has been an emotional roller coaster, full of ups and downs, moments of triumph, and occasional setbacks. But through it all, Danielle and Matt’s love was strong, a beacon of hope that inspired many who heard their story.

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