Any parent who has to deal with their teen’s shame knows how difficult it can be. This may make you feel upset and rejected, but it is important to remember that this is a typical stage of adolescent development. As children get older, they become more independent and begin to develop their own identities, which may or may not match what their parents expect. In this post, we’ll look at some suggestions on how to deal with humiliating your child while fostering a closer bond with him.
Some parents find parenting teenagers so difficult that it drives them crazy. One day you’re holding a newborn and the next day you find that the baby doesn’t want to be around you anymore. This parent experienced exactly that. She decided to take to social media to ask for help in solving the problem because she was tired of seeing her child embarrassed.
A teenager’s anger can be challenging to manage; that much is true. However, you must always remember that you are usually not the source of it. Your child is humiliated, not because you are a freak. Adolescent children go through a phase of detachment and apathy towards many things, including their parents. This is common.

If you are currently coping with child humiliation, the following items may help:
Don’t let it bother you. While this behavior will sometimes cause harm, try to remember that adolescence is a difficult time and that this type of behavior is a normal part of it. Not about you, really. Avoid the fight. Although it is normal to want to teach your child to speak politely to you, sometimes he uses inappropriate language when expressing himself.
It is appropriate to end the conversation rather than tending to immediately correct them for what they said. Try not to focus on your son’s reaction when, for example, you ask him why he hasn’t cleaned his room and he gives you a lofty explanation. Alternatively, say something like, “I was asking why you didn’t clean your room. You won’t use your mobile device until it’s clean.” If you don’t, your child will undoubtedly try to engage you in a language argument and refuse to do what you ask.

Show them love and attention on their terms. Spending time with teenagers can be challenging, and sometimes the closer you try to get to them, the more likely the opposite will happen. Still, if you want to build a relationship with them, you have to give them some authority. You can let your teen know you want to go out with them and then let them decide the time and place because teens like to be in charge. It will make them more enticing to spend time with you.
Talk to other parents. A helpful strategy for navigating this new phase can be to talk to other parents who can share their experiences and offer advice. They could also help you find the humor in the situation. Return to your feelings at this age. This can help you in your ability to bond with your child and remind you that it’s not personal. You may also have believed that at that age, while your parents were condescending, your friends were cool and wise.

Be flexible when your relationship changes. Accepting that your relationship with your child has changed can be challenging. Young individuals at this age prefer to hang out with their friends. In order to connect with others their age, they sometimes tend to reject their parents. They may not want to be taken out of the car but will continue to ask for help, such as getting from one area to another. Although it may be hard to understand, they claim they need you, but it’s hard to admit it, especially when they’re around their friends, so they’ll pretend they don’t like you. Instead, embrace their independence and then look for opportunities to spend time with them by suggesting activities that you both enjoy. Keep your pressure to a minimum.
While bullying a teenager can be difficult to deal with, it’s important to remember that it’s a normal stage of teenage development. You can improve your relationship with your child and support them through this difficult time by addressing the issue with empathy and understanding, setting limits, allowing them to be in control of their time with you, talking to other parents, and adapting to the new dynamic.
I think you are handling it just right. Let him find out how much you do for him by stop doing it.
You did the right thing only two years too late. We have a whole country of parents who are letting their kids walk all over them, because they are afraid someone or the kid will turn them over to the police. Now we see the police are not even allowed to do anything to sweet two year olds that have turned into Raving Thugs. Since I’m 92 I have seen the time when a good spanking resulted in respectful children that said Yes Sir, and Yes Mame and did what they were told with no back talk. When parents quit going to church and honoring GOd, so did the children. Therefore Honor thy Father and Mother has gone out the window for most, which made a Utopia in contrast to today.