
Isabella Cruise Chooses Private Wedding and Opts not to Invite Tom Cruise, Despite His Generous Offer to Pay

Despite having famous parents, Isabella Cruise, the adopted daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, chooses to live a modest life in Croyden with her husband, Max Parker, where she works as a hair and makeup artist. She maintains a low profile and avoids the limelight. When Isabella tied the knot with Parker, she opted to keep the wedding intimate and did not invite her parents.

This decision was expected, given the distant relationship between Isabella and Kidman, and her desire for a quiet ceremony.

However, Isabella shares a close bond with her father, Tom Cruise, who even paid for the wedding. Although he was not invited to the event, Cruise respected his daughter’s wishes and supported her decision not to invite any parents.

According to a family insider, Cruise gave his approval to Parker and was entirely fine with not attending the wedding. This absence of celebrity parents was not unusual, given Isabella’s preference for a low-key lifestyle.

Isabella declined her father’s offer to live in the penthouse of his London building, which costs $324,000 per month, and opted for a quieter neighborhood with her husband and roommates. She also had a ceremony according to her faith, Scientology.

Isabella and Parker’s decision to keep their wedding small and private was respected by their families, and even Parker’s parents did not attend the ceremony. Parker’s mother spoke highly of the couple and expressed her happiness for them.

In conclusion, Isabella Cruise’s wedding was a modest and private affair, in keeping with her preference for a low-key lifestyle. While her father paid for the ceremony, he respected her wishes and did not attend the wedding. Isabella and Parker’s decision to keep their wedding small and quiet was respected by their families and friends.

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