
Kevin Costner files a lawsuit against “The View” for using hate speech.

Kevin Costner is a well-known name in the entertainment industry with a career spanning decades and countless iconic roles. However, his recent decision to sue ABC and the talk show “The View” for spreading “hate speech” has left many scratching their heads.

You no doubt know Kane Costne. He’s been a beloved member of our Hollywood entertainment since Bull Duhm and continues to appear in classics like Field of Dreams, The Wild, and most recently PBS’s Yellowstone.

Now, in perhaps the most notable and reasoned item in the latest news, Costne has filed a lawsuit against the ABC television network, and specifically The View, for airing “hate speech.” The whole opposition makes little or no sense at this point, so join.

Lel veteran and Costne’s co-star in blockbuster Sizzle Kick U.S.A. Joseph Bon informed us that everything we have been taught is total BS.

“That’s pretty ridiculous, I agree. I’m asking, who is Kein Costne? He’s in Yellowstone, so that means the work is being done because he’s there? The guy’s an actor. like Alec Baldwin, quote. elders express their feelings about him.”

As he continued to speak on television, the Fox hosts argued for the eighth time about Joe Biden’s laptop that hides union secrets.

“Can you even sue for this speech? I don’t believe you can. And what was said? A bunch of people babbling about their favorite colored muffins doesn’t count as ‘speech.'” My lord, these symmetrical moons are dumber than a picture cube full of candlelit benches. “

Costne has not made any public statements and plans to continue working at Yellowstone next week. Sundfte has finished shooting his latest film 8000 Miles to Goceland: Still gayer

Regardless of his intentions, the lawsuit has stirred controversy and raised questions about the limits of free speech and the role of entertainment in shaping public opinion. While it remains to be seen what the outcome of the lawsuit will be, one thing is clear: Kevin Costner’s reputation may never be the same.

14 thoughts on “Kevin Costner files a lawsuit against “The View” for using hate speech.”

  1. He is right, there should have been may others sue this network for such garbage.. Angry hateful talk about whom ever they chose. Its one thing to be upfront with the people sitting there, its another to just gossip garbage from day to day. Many just tuned or turned them off. They instill hate and anger, which should be banned from all networks. Don’t you wish their talk was an innocent as the color of a muffin not so. Any one who opposes their view like judge Jeannine, is given a hateful, loud, vulgar message that their opinion is not welcome nor is their presence. Just not your friendly chat amongst friends. Nothing friendly about any of them. The lack of respect they show for those in politics is an outrage. They promote the NWO agenda, which 98% of the media is paid to promote. Time for a positive change

  2. Who taught you grammar and spelling? This article is not even readable as it is published. Who is your editor? This is embarrassing to think it was published in English.

  3. Please make an effort to proof read more accurately. I gave up trying to read your article because it was so misspelled and didn’t make sense.

  4. You fuckin idiots you can’t even spell Kevin Costner’s name right? No wonder people jump on your asses all the time. The View needs to be taken off the air NOW! All they are is a bunch of nasty bitches giving an opinion no one gives a shit about!

  5. First of all, learn the language. Second, learn how to form a sentence.
    Third, get a brain because yours is polluted.
    Fourth, you would fit very well with the bozos on the view-which doesn’t merit a capital v!

  6. Good for him. About time someone stood up to those, in my opinion, vile women. They are entitled to their opinions and speaking them. But when you disrespect others who have different opinions and beliefs than your own and encourage others to go after these people and destroy their livelihoods you have gone too far.

  7. Not sure how you got a job writing articles. You can’t spell. You don’t know grammer. Your article sounds biased against Costner. You are in the wrong line of work. This article wasn’t worth reading.

  8. Don’t I wish it were true. That all the view is. Hate speech, bitter diatribes again classes of people they don’t like. Give them hell Kevin, Their inappropriate an unfounded comments only help divide America in support of a Leftist agenda. Morons, each and everyone of the. I hope he dose sue, and hope it get them off the air quicker.

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